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Thread: Girl Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Girl Question

    Well I have known this girl for about 3 years. We are really good friends, very close, we tell each other things we don't tell other people. We are both adults technically but still kids for the most part. But anywho back to what my question is.

    Lately she has been telling me things like, "I miss having a boy friend." And "I need a good boy friend." "Where are all the good ones?" Things of that nature. I wouldn't have any questions if she didn't tell me I was a good guy. That I am sweet, nice, and a great guy. The only thing I am having trouble is that is she hinting to her feelings for me? Or just so comfortable with me that she just talks about these things openly? We joke about dating all the time, but I don't know if it's her hinting or not.

    And it isn't that I have feelings for her.... If she feels this way for me then I would just because I like to see her happy. Wich is something that has been in short demand since I knew her. Before we were friends even. And when we go out and do something or go see a movie or just hang out she is very happy. Smiling and laughing and having a good time. And that isn't something I want to ruin for her..... She always wants to talk, says that she thinks of me often and she likes it when I think of her. I don't want to take the first move. But I am afraid that it might be what she is waiting for.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hey Ignignaughty,

    Your story is pretty much EXACTLY THE SAME TO MINE!!!!...except, i actually told the guy i like that i like him...okay, she sounds like she is acting the same as how I acted before i told my guy.

    Okay, she sounds like she seriously likes you, and is definately hinting to you that she likes you, well thats my opinion anyway :S ... I'm just taking from thats how i acted, it's a definate possibilty that she is as scared as you are, and is terrified that you will turn her down if she asks you out, that was how i was ...

    Anyway, if you like this girl, i definately recommend you asking her out, just start off slow, keep going to the movies, definately, but maybe, instead of just sitting with her, put your arm around her and see what she does.

    When you say that she jokes about you two dating, thats what i always did....so i can relate!

    But, if you like this girl, ask her out, or you'll miss your chance!!

    I wish my guy would take my advise!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Well maybe you miss the whole point. It isn't that I like her that way neccesarily. But if she wants to then I want to make her happy. It isn't that I want her, it is just that I want her to be happy. And with things like this I don't know if it's really what she wants. I don't want to **** up an otherwise awesome relationship we already have. But if she wants something more then I will give it to her. I guess you could say I love her, but not in a sexual manner. This isn't something that is hormone drivin like my last girlfriend. This goes deeper then that on a more personal level. If she wants to yes I will. But if she doesn't then good. But I don't want to make a move and have it rejected because I miss read her. And that would just make an akward relationship out of what we have. Kind of confusing I know.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    So, what your saying is that you would go out with her ONLY because she likes you, and not because you like him, you only have feelings for her in a friendly matter, and don't want to distroy your friendship that you have....

    Well...if thats the case, you shouldn't ask her out, definately not, if you would be asking her out just because you think that she likes you and not the other way around don't ask her out....just wait for her to ask you out, IF she asks you out, don't stuff the friendship.

    Sorry matey, got a bit confused with ya, thought that you liked her in ways other than friendship

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    If you would only want to go out with her if she likes you, I think you're not in love with her. So just stay as friends. Period. Anyway, most of the time if you tell a girl a lot about yourself she would not be interested in you in *that* way, unless she was already interested before you started pouring all your emotions out to her. Usually she'd just treat you like one of her girlfriends if you get what I mean.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Well I would be interested if she is interested sort of thing. I do love her, but as a person. And I would do anything in my power to make her happy.

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