So I met this guy at my work place about 3 years ago and i swear, it was love at first sight for me. I work at a piano school and he is a violin teacher working there as well. He was very friendly and was the first one to show me around and introduce me to everyone. He looks like an honest, genuinely NICE guy who is very passionate with what he does for a living. I found out that he is 7 years older than me and we even shared the same birthday. Of course, I was just a kid to him with braces so he never thought about me that way. I, on the other hand, was very much intrigued by him. I couldn't figure out what it was, but I told myself that I would do my best to get to know him more. there was one time when I had a pair of tickets to go watch Wicked at the Pantages theater and asked him if he wanted to go. He flat out told me he didn't like musicals and that was that. The thing was that it took me a lot of courage to ask him even in the first place or even get his number. Him turning me down was a huge blow to my face and being an unexperienced girl that I was, I took the "rejection" very hard. I actually felt really embarrassed to even face him again at work the following week, so I know this is going to sound very stupid, but I quit working for that place. I felt like I lost all of my confidence and I vowed to never talk to him ever again. He even de- friended me as a Facebook friend, which made me worse for me.

I decided to focus on transferring to UCLA and studying was all I did for the next 3 years. Of course, I thought about him everyday and he was always in the back of my mind. One day, I added him again and he accepted. Then we started talking again through text messages and facebook and so on. We even grabbed dinner about three times during my first quarter, which I was extremely happy about. I realized that I was sooo much in love with him even though I only knew bits and pieces about him. I was constantly happy after having dinner with him and I was skipping to class and just was in the greatest mood ever. Because we were both night owls, he would pick me up around 1am and go to a 24- hour place and get dinner. Being the shy girl that I am, I had a hard time holding up a conversation with him. I was constantly admiring him and just looking him.

Now, here is where the problem started. Being the stupid me, I asked him if we can go back to him place and just hang out. I didnt mean let's do something sexual, but I was curious as to what his apt looked like. He lives couple of blocks away from house so it was pretty near. He was a bit hesitant, but said okay. All we did was have couple of drinks and his roommate came so we just ended up talking. I actually even gave him a small tour of where I was dorming as well and he met my floormates, which he seemed extremely uncomfortable to around. When I introduced him to my friend, she said "it's finally nice to meet you". I have been talking about him constantly and he seemed alarmed when my friend said that. After that, he hasnt been calling or texting me. It's been about 4 months now since I have seen him. He even had a solo concert at my school but he never told me about it when i was on campus. He had a concert at my former church yesterday, which he told me about it because I texted him how he was doing. I went and saw him, but he didnt really say anything to me and he just left without saying anything to me afterwards. Yeah, i just feel like i did a lot of stupid moves that i shouldnt have. He's not interested obviously, but I'm so in love with him that I dont know what to do. Our birthdays are coming up and i wanted to hang out with him because he said that he would take me out to this nice restaurant during first quarter, but i just dont know....... I'm just sad at the fact that I will never get this guy and i'm so madly in love with him that I dont know what to do. Sigh.

Thanks for reading guys, I just needed to vent. I realize now that this is a very long post.