Hello, this might be quite long and complicated as it confuses the hell out of me but thankyou for any responses or advice given.

Basically i met this girl through some friends and it seemed like she liked me as she kept staring at me and doing certain things so we could spend time together so i decided to ask her out, she said yes. Anyway week continues her friends invited me and her to go bowling which we did where we hit it off and ended the night with her cuddled in my arms with her "all over me." Night ended with me walking her home, leaving her my hoodie, kissing goodnight then walking home.

Anyway the day of our date she texts me saying shes feeling really crap and she cant go. I must mention before i continue that i have severe paranoia sometimes so i had abit of a freakout but decided i would give her the benefit of the doubt and text her saying it was ok, we could do it when she felt better and that she didn't need to feel bad as i was going down the pub anyway. ANYWAY get to the pub with my mate, get her friend down to meet my friend who then gets her to come out, night ends with her driving me around talking about her day (which had been really bad and she opened up to me about personal stuff about her life.)

Anyway, the next day we all go down the pub again where she completely ignores me and doesn't get involved in any conversation or laugh at anything i say. Her friend drove me home and told me even she thought she had been abit harsh tonight and she didn't understand why either, her other friend however tells me her ex's have been texting her and shes all over the place at the moment which is fine.

Anyway the next day i sent her a text saying i didn't think we had had a good chat the other night and asked how she was, we had a good chat via texts and such. The next day i spoke to ehr again and decided i would cheer her up by telling her i thought she was gorgeous and that i felt like i hadn't had the chance to treat her how i wanted to (datewise) she then text me saying she likes me but she just wants to be single right now because shes not very well but we can still go out and have fun and made comments about how nice my hoodie was and that it smelt like me and that she was going to sleep in it. She then suggested we all do something the day after the next day however since then she has completely ignored my texts (1) im meant to be meeting up with ehr and her friend soon but i have no idea how to act around her now and how she is going to act around me.

From my perspective it seems every time i see her everything has changed and its confusing the hell out of me PLUS my paranoia problem is really getting to me as well and not just about her.