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Thread: At long last, Zekk's new interest...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    At long last, Zekk's new interest...

    My last love interest was back in spring so I've been kinda hoping for another spark to come along. Life has been getting far too routine and I can't stand it. Wake up, go to work, get off work, go to class, get out of class, eat dinner, sleep. WHAT A BORING CYCLE. But oh well, I break away to have the fun I need every now and then, which brings me to my latest interest.

    I met her since before my mind was capable of forming memories. I've never known life without knowing her. We were childhood sweethearts, grew up together and we were each others first kisses. Things were good but somehow we lost contact. I didn't talk to her for 10 years. Over the summer I went to her open house after her graduation from high school. The moment I saw her was like a floodgate of fire being released throughout me. We had both changed but at the same time we remembered everything about each other.

    From that day we were uber flirty back and forth. I ended up hiring her for my new store that I opened later that summer so we could see each other more often and NOT break contact again. So things went along as normal. We would see each other when she would relieve my shift, we'd flirt a great deal and that was it. She had a boyfriend so the harmless flirting was just fun, nothing more. Last week something changed.

    They broke up. She was now single. I didn't think "now was my chance" but I was happy for her because he was such an unappreciative cocksnot. So Friday night we went haunted housing. Got to hold her a lot there which was nice. At the end of that night I was holding her and the tension was unbearable but I resisted from doing what I desired, to kiss her. The next day she came over after work and that time the pressure broke me....we kissed.....3 or 4......hundred times. Things got taken a little further than I intended but it was still a fun night. (No no, the Lord of Goo maintains his purity of virginity) Now comes my nervous nature when it comes to such things.

    Whenever I do anything with anyone I feel like crap the day after. Mostly because I'm not used to it and simply don't know how to feel. So we didn't talk on Sunday since I felt weird and she was hanging out with a friend from out of town anyway. But I called last night and she was sitting down to dinner and she said she'd call me back. She never did. I don't know if I should call her tonight or just wait to see her tomorrow at work. I don't know why I'm getting so nervous about it. I think I went into it not knowing how much I really did like her. She's been on my mind all day today and yesterday. Oh well, I'll keep you all updated if you want, I just got that burning blood feeling again and thought I'd share it. Thanks for reading the huge post.
    Heit ist mein taug.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    wow Zekk...very cool! Well, Id call her what are you waiting for? Just act casual, thank her for the other night and go from there. Keep it simple. She obviously has interest in you again! Thats awesome. Get out of your daily boring routine and take the bull by the horns! Have fun again!

    Goodluck and keep us posted!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

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