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Thread: His my first love, i'm his first love but he broke my heart.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    His my first love, i'm his first love but he broke my heart.

    I was in long-distance relationship, we both live in other countries.
    I was 16 yo and he was 18 when we "met"(well 2 years older than me) that was 2 years ago so i am 18 at the moment. Everything actually started from internet. We used to talk in msn for hours daily, even all night 10 months before we really met, face-to-face! I went for holiday to country where does he lives, he left even army for me and came to meet me. We had great time, he was lovely and funny, i wasn't dissapointed at all! When I left 3 months later he came up to meet me to my country and stay in my home. I realized after those all conversations what we had and even those moments we have spent together, i love him. The day he left felt like i could die.. well.. his mum invited me there for x-mas and i went! I met his family, i was first girl who he ever bring to his house, i was his first girlfriend, first love and first "experience" actually. Before me he havent been with girls loads, he was shy person.
    Well i travelled there after x-mas too to celebrate my b-day. it was great and we had lovely time as usual. When we both were in our countries we used to talk in skype every day and night. He rly proved that me how much he loves me and use to always say i am his first love and he never could hurt me... things changed in summer. heres the story:

    I travelled there and lived with his family for one month at summer. Well.. summer brings tourists there, parties, shortly: more life. He started working, got new friends. i noticed he has changed a lot, he didnt notice me enough even we had great time too but also we fought which was sadly. he still told me he loves me. the day when i was going to leave was closer.. even he wish me to stay longer but i couldnt.. after 2 weeks i left he broke up with me! that day was worst ever.. he told me on the phone: i still love u and u'll be always in my heart, u are my first love..but because we have this distance. i wondered why it bothers now but not in winter.. i just cried. then i got to know later he met new girl who lives far away also, there wasnt nothing serious between them but he started like her, they had great time but the girl was a bitch who also was with other guys over there as i heard. Well he became so mean to me, told me to not call to him, he didnt care anymore and removed me from fb.even i cried to him on the phone.. he left my like dog on the street!
    We weren't in contact over one month.. about 3 weeks before he sent me a message on fb and was like nothing happened! he asked "how are u" and he hope that i dont hate him even he was so mean to me.. and he told i was, i am and i will be always in his heart till he die and that he loves me. firstly he didnt admit his mistake and told he didnt do nothing with that girl but later he said and told she was a bitch. i asked if she havent been he still would be with that girl and he told "No, because i love u" and he told we are people and we do mistakes and he regrets it a lot. he just told how stupid he was and like child.. well i forgave him and he wanted 2nd chance.. but we started fight again cos i told him to remove that girl from his fb and he told me "u cant make me choose" then i told him allright, u just chosed and i removed him and blocked. i told him how idiot he is and i deserve better guy who can respect me and my life goes better without him. now i really try to forget him... i still have that broken heart but somehow ive overpassed him .. actually well! i just want to be happy again as i was before that drama happened. He became so cocky in summer, even some of his friends said that he wasnt the same person anymore...

    Well the questions are.. if he loved me as much as he said why he hurt me? what do u guys think? Did he those things cos he got bored of distance and didnt have many experiences of the girls and sex and maybe he wanted to have fun, enjoy of summer and u know.. have u guys ever end bad with a girl and regret it later? and as he always used to say.. i am his first love and always in his heart, is ur first love still something special to u?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    i never heard of an online relationship that really worked.
    you may have all the attention chating with someone, it may boost your ego, make you feel you really want to meet that person which in turn you can confuse with real passion.
    you just went to live 1 month with someone you met online....how dangerous can that be? did he just talked you into that? and more?
    it's not a consistent relationship, it didn't worked, that's simple.
    all the people i've on msn i met them personally first and add them second, i use it to chat freely instead of cellphone calls.
    doing it on the inverse is really a risk. you never know who you really talking to.
    would it be amusing to meet Jack the ripper personally just because is nick was "kittie"?
    you're heart is not broken, the idea that your prince charming just popped out of nowhere is.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wow, dat blows real bad and that sucks what he did and try to play it off like all is ok. Well, u should move on and if he really duz love u then he should go to ur Country and pursue you. imo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    oh well. . .mind you, you are still very young and you have a lot of improving and experiences to get . . . move on and get some guy who is more local because that commitment can strain things . . . also try to get people with more stable personalities, not ones which change over summer.

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