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Thread: Girl at the office

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Girl at the office

    Once I worked with a girl that I thought was the hottest I had ever seen. I didn't try anything at first because I knew she had a BF. But later on, when it seemed as if she was alone, I didn't either, because I thought it just wasn't "proper". Even though she drove me insane every time I looked at her.

    Later on, a guy joined the company, hit on her, and they're now married.

    I no longer work there, and I've started a new job three months ago. As you might have guessed, there's a new interest. There's this girl in my department that makes me quiver when I see her. I know I feel something, because I find myself biting my nails everytime she talks to other guys from work, hoping it's "just" normal chitchat.

    So, I really want to approach her. I only haven't so far, not only because I'm not really skillful with girls, but mostly because I don't just want to say "Let's have lunch!" or something, since that will give the whole game away right there. I want an intermediary step, something that will help me test the waters before I risk catching a wave.

    If you have any idea how I can move in slowly, so that I won't scare her by just asking her out outta nowhere, please advise.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    That's your problem right there......testing the waters, not to ask her out of the blue, can't just ask her "lets have lunch".......You have it all wrong. Don't put so much emphasis on how to get with a particular girl. There is no way of knowing what the results will entail. That's why you just have to ask her out and take it from there. Girls like a guy that is confident and are not AFRAID of them. She is just a person, not some goddess. Just ask her out. What's the worst thing that could happen...she says no? Like that's going to end your life.

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