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Thread: Want your opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Want your opinion

    I have known a guy 2 months ago over the phone. He would like me to be his friend. I still cannot believe that feelings can happen over the phone, and he is on the other part of AU. Can this really happen? He said it is real. I have asked if he has feelings for me and he admitted that.

    But after 2 months, I think things have cooled down a lot. I am getting very angry now because I don't know if he is being playful or serious. But as a professional not having so much time on hand, I don't think he is playful. He is still getting over with his ex wife, so I don't want to rush things. I rang him for nutritional advise. His office is very busy, and phones always ring, so our conversations are very short and brief.

    2 months ago, he has asked a lot questions about myself and I never got the chance to ask him too many questions about him. I don't want to get too close so soon as I don't know too much of him, and I am not prepared for a real relationship with him. He does not make me feel good now. Sometimes I wonder if he just wants someone to kill time, and if we will have a chance to meet up in the future? The thought of being too close to him makes me feel uncomfortable, because I cannot trust that he can give me what I want. I have asked him to ring me more often, he said he would like to, but I think he is just too busy. But still I am not satisfied.

    A month ago, I told him that I would like to put him aside out of fear, and he suggested to take it slow and easy, which I agreed. Now it is really very very very slow. These days I am not thinking too much of him like before and sometimes thought of him does not make me feel good. I know he is so concentrated on his work and profession, and I am also so concentrated on my own stuff. He is not the centre of my life. But the thought that he is not serious or the chance that we will neve meet up or he just wants someone to kill time makes feel unsettled.

    I want some of your opinons. A month ago, my father has died, and I rang him out of desperation. He expressed his regretfulness upon hearing the news, and I was expecting he would call back to console me. But it never happened. Does he really care for me? He did call back after work, but just chatting with me, and follow ups on some nutritional advise for me. Last month it was quite hot, and now it is just so cool and distant.

    I still cannot believe a long distance thing can last if both parties do not want to put in efforts. He obviously wants care and concern, but I feel he is holding back a lot, and the same for me too. He is not the centre of my life. I have my own stuff to worry about. He is just like an assitant for me. However, somehow I still hope that he is not being playful. And recently we have a lot of flooding in Au, and he never called back to check up.

    It is really hard to get to know someone just by phone, or get to someone close enough just by phone. How can this be serious and lasting if the conversations are so short? How can this be real if both parties never meet up sometime in the future? But even for now, I cannot enjoy so much of it like before, because the distance thing makes everything very hard, and hard for me to believe that it is real or can be real in the future.

    I also don't know what I want. I hope he is not being playful, but I don't want it to be too close so early on. I just want to know more about him for me, to know more about him, and to develop deeper conversations with him. But can short chats over the phone afford that? So, sometimes I am quite frustrated that I cannot know so much of him. And all of this seems to me that it is like a play.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    My advice is to not get too attached. He lives too far away to act on your feelings. You guys can talk on the phone but thats it. Even if you do want to see each other in person, it seems that wouldn't be able to happen anytime soon. I hate to break it to you, but if you do decide to be "in a relationship" with this person it won't be much of one. Sure you get to hear his voice and hear say sweet little nothings, but in the end the relationship is built on fantasy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Thats what I told him, I said you are crazy and he is just too imaginative, but he did not admit that. He asked me to be his friend first. After a month, I became to have feelings as well, but fearful of being too attached.

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