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Thread: Maintaining a LDR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Maintaining a LDR

    Hi All

    My first post to these forums; so nice to meet you all.

    I have a little problem here in regards to maintaining my LDR. Right now, there's no problem at all, but of course prevention is better than cure. I've been doing some research and one of the things that's good to do for maintaining a relationship is to develop our common interests. The most obvious, and the most common interested we have is online gaming.

    Problem is, university is starting soon, and I will have absolutely no time to waste on gaming since gaming is quite a waste of time, compared to real life priorities. Also, I also want my boyfriend to get away from gaming too much too. He needs to help be part of our future, and he needs to get studying, get a stable job, and so on. I can't just game with him for the rest of our lives just to try maintain our relationship, right? WE CAN, once everything we need for living is well on the way.. but not for now. So how should I maintain a LDR without the gaming?
    Right now he's doing temporary jobs, and plan to study next year.

    Thankyou =)

  2. #2
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
    Petit Papillon is offline Napinacz
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Feb 2008
    Did you even see him? At least few times or something? Online relationships AREN'T LDRs . They are online , not long distance, I hope you understand it. Having a common hobby is not THE way to maintain LDR (if it's really a LDR) . Trust, some kind of rules like, how often you will meat(how often do you need to see him? once a week?once a month? if once a year then forget it lol ), set up some end date of the long distance( for example, let's say that as soon as you finish your studies you move in together or as soon as he gets some money, he can study in the same city as you do). An of course, stay in contact,but don't devote yourself completely to this relationship. You have also a life to maintain there, studies etc. Don't let this relationship take a control over you.
    I wazzzz here

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