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Thread: I need a littl advice or even just someone to talk to..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    I need a littl advice or even just someone to talk to..

    Me and my boyfriend of a year and a half met in high school, we were friends for three years until we started dating, and it was perfect. Not a hitch.

    Though recently I feel as though everytime I ask him a question his response is "I don't know." and it's the same for simple things like how come you haven't been sleeping to even deeper things like whether or not he sees me in his future 5 years from now. It's starting to really bug me how quiet he has grown and I just feel as though he's distancing himself from me, and it doesn't help that he constantly texts other people but still is just as quiet if I text. I understand he and I are young but I thought this was going somewhere and now.. I just don't even know..

    It's like everytime I try to talk to him about it he throws a front up and the subject eventually changes.. I just wish he'd talk to me or act like he was trying.. I constantly ramble or bitch any more these days just to keep the silence away, and it's really annoying to only ever talk like that. I enjoy conversation much more! But when I push it he just says he's run out of things to talk about..

    I don't know what to make of it cause then yesterday he also made note that he wants to "wake up to my face every morning for the rest of his life." he on occasion says things like this but it just confuses me more...

    Then the sex is still good for me, but everything that used to turn him on just doesn't work any more.. It's like he's sexually numb to everything except the act of sex itself! I tried everything I could of and everything that used to do it, but nothing works.. I ask him about it and he just shrugs and says the usual, "I don't know" and follows it up with, "it just doesn't any more I guess?" when I ask if there's anything else he likes or would like to try, he just seems uninterested and says things like, "not really"

    I don't know what to make of it all.. He's afraid if change he's told me before but I dunno..

    I personally feel like he stays with me because I'm safe.. Or maybe he does actually love menin some way? I dunno, I'm very lost on the matter.. I just wish he would open up even a little.. It hurts to have him be so cold sometimes and I don't think he realizes that, and whenever I mention anything to that effect he gets lost himself like he doesn't know what to say.

    I want this to work but I also want to know if I'm crazy over reacting since we do see each other everyday, maybe I should cut back? Or if I'm right to think something is up. I just don't even know who to ask about this any more.. Everyone seems either biast or they don't have enough experience or just don't know what to say to me..

    If anything I think i just want to understand and maybe find some consolement..

    Please any advice would be loved and appreciated,

    Thank you.
    -Helplessly Lost

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I am having the same problem with my boyfriend. He is being really quiet with me but yet he's still texting his friends every other minute. You are lucky you see your boyfriend everyday though. I only see mine on the weekend.
    I don't think you are over reacting. Maybe you should try talking to him about how you feel,or show him this post and tell him you've been feeling this way and if he shrugs it off then maybe just wait and see if things change. One time i had a problem with something my boyfriend was doing, i tried talking to him about it several times and it seemed like he didnt care but on my last try I wrote him a note and gave it to him in person and he said sorry for how he was acting and didnt realize i was feeling this way. I wish i could give you more helpful advice but im not very good at this..all i can say is talk about it with him or else it will stay the same.


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