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Thread: I think I am starting to dislike my boyfriends best friend. Who is also my ex...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    I think I am starting to dislike my boyfriends best friend. Who is also my ex...

    Well, long story very very very sort I was dating this guy Elliot and I totally fell for his best friend call Jack. Elliot and I were not serious at all, so he was more then happy for me and Jack to start dating and now we are something very magical. <3
    Everything has been fine untill recently. I loved seeing Elliot and Jack when they would come down and see me. I loved all the random suff we did together!
    But, I have realised that all the little things that Elliot does is started to bother me. And it's jst buidling and building. I am a very very happy person, he however always tries to be depressed and have stronge views on everything. I cannot even look at the sky and se a bird and say "Oh... I wish I could fly..." Without him telling me all the reasons why that is impossible and probably ending it with something like 'the bird may even crash into a buliding and die.'
    Elliot and Jack are best friends however, have been since they were young. And i think it's beause Elliot goes all depressed that Jack always cheers him up with realising.

    So what should I do? I know that Elliot is staying in my life. And he is one of my dearest friend and I do not want to lose him to something silly as me not liking who is is. However, I hate being put down all the time.

  2. #2
    Mathias's Avatar
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    Tell him about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Elliot is engaging in emotionally abusive behavior. Put-downs and subtle digs that make you feel as if you weren't very intelligent - at least that's his aim, whether it's conscious or not. You don't need to put up with that behavior. Tell him flat out that it's unacceptable, and he can either hang with you and Jack without it, or he can hang out somewhere else.

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