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Thread: She hasnt talked to me at all in a week!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    She hasnt talked to me at all in a week!

    Could anyone here help or advise me what to do please, been texting this girl for about 4/5 months (everyday) I really like her and she said the same to me, first time we met face to face we chatted for an hour or so and arranged the first date, we went out about a week later for a few drinks and had a really good time, both enjoyed it.

    After another week of texting we had a second date but I thought we didnt have as good a time as the first date, thing is when i got back home after the date I was kind of in a bad mood that it didnt go as well, so I text her saying sorry you didnt have a good night and that I wasnt sure its gonna work out, she replied saying she'd make it up to me x, i text back again saying i'm not so sure we will see, she texts back again saying well it wont work out if I keep saying that and I had made her feel like sh1t.(what an idiot i am) think I only said it to she if she would say no i dont think it will, but she obviously thought we were getting on well.

    So its been a week today and havent heard from her at all, I've text her a few times apoligising and that but nothing back at all, havent sent her a message or called in 3 days now.

    What should I do? Also do you think shes playing games with me and wants me to grovel? I think I should just wait until she gets back to me but I miss her.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank-you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You caused this. You were playing games with her with your negative comments trying to see if she REALLY believed you guys could have a better time together. You pissed her off on the 2nd date! You're still making an impression on the 2nd date and your 2nd impression was not a good one. She may be done with you, she may just be making you wait until she gets back to you, either way, don't text or call her again. Let her get in touch with you and if she doesn't, get on without her. Learn from this.

  3. #3
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by IncognitoSir View Post
    You caused this. You were playing games with her with your negative comments trying to see if she REALLY believed you guys could have a better time together. You pissed her off on the 2nd date! You're still making an impression on the 2nd date and your 2nd impression was not a good one. She may be done with you, she may just be making you wait until she gets back to you, either way, don't text or call her again. Let her get in touch with you and if she doesn't, get on without her. Learn from this.
    Thanks, yea I'll just wait, but the thing that gets to me is she didnt even say thats it over, or leave me alone I dont want to see you again, just nothing from her at all! At least if she'd have said that I'd have moved on by now and wouldnt be here writing this!

  4. #4
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    One thing I learn, don't let your insecurity ruin your relationships. What's with that negative attitude? I hope you'll be more positive next time.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonfire View Post
    One thing I learn, don't let your insecurity ruin your relationships. What's with that negative attitude? I hope you'll be more positive next time.
    I'm not insecure I was just in a bad mood the date didnt go as well as the first one, but she obviously didnt think it went badly.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2011
    Well you screwed it up, mate. But maybe there can be a next time in your case. You've said sorry to her. Next time you see her show her you really are sorry. What I've learnt from experience is that when women give you the silent treatment it usually means they're hurt by something you said or did. So next time be more gentle to her. If you like her like you say you do, show that in the way you treat her.
    Last edited by jb1111983; 02-06-11 at 06:09 AM.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2011
    I wouldn't talk to you again either if I were her. You pretty much told her that it wasn't going to work out, and now you're sad because she stopped talking to you? Of course she stopped talking to you, you rejected her! When a guy says it's not going to work out, that usually means it's over. Most girls don't want to date a guy with a negative attitude, especially when the guy texts them to say he did NOT enjoy their last date.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShellyZ View Post
    I wouldn't talk to you again either if I were her. You pretty much told her that it wasn't going to work out, and now you're sad because she stopped talking to you? Of course she stopped talking to you, you rejected her! When a guy says it's not going to work out, that usually means it's over. Most girls don't want to date a guy with a negative attitude, especially when the guy texts them to say he did NOT enjoy their last date.
    Yea o.k fair enough, but would you not just send one text or whatever saying I never want to see you again? Or go away and leave me alone, after I texted her to say sorry? This is what I dont understand, whats the reasoning behind this? After all we were constantly texting each other for so long, I know if it was me i'd probably give her 1 more chance but if i didnt forgive her i'd text and say sorry you were right its not going to work. Like I said I'm just going to wait it out but if she dosent get back to me I'll move on.
    Last edited by cd2000; 02-06-11 at 09:05 AM.

  9. #9
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    Upstate NY
    Not sure how old you both are but considering how I would feel with your confusing behavior, groveling would be the next best choice..lol

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by abn25 View Post
    Not sure how old you both are but considering how I would feel with your confusing behavior, groveling would be the next best choice..lol
    Well I'm 26 and shes 23, no groveling from me!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by cd2000 View Post
    I'm not insecure I was just in a bad mood the date didnt go as well as the first one, but she obviously didnt think it went badly.
    If you become a pissy pants over something like that it would be a deal breaker for most....you blew it. Negative attitudes stink!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cd2000 View Post
    Yea o.k fair enough, but would you not just send one text or whatever saying I never want to see you again? Or go away and leave me alone, after I texted her to say sorry? This is what I dont understand, whats the reasoning behind this? After all we were constantly texting each other for so long, I know if it was me i'd probably give her 1 more chance but if i didnt forgive her i'd text and say sorry you were right its not going to work. Like I said I'm just going to wait it out but if she dosent get back to me I'll move on.
    1. She is not you. Doesn't think like you.
    2. She has the right to be upset over what happened.
    3. If she forgave you right after your "I'm sorry" she has no self-respect. It would mean that you'll do things to hurt her and expect to get away with a simple apology again.
    4. You made a mistake. Now it's up to her to forgive and give you another chance or not.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cd2000 View Post
    but the thing that gets to me is she didnt even say thats it over, or leave me alone I dont want to see you again, just nothing from her at all
    Translation for the dim-witted

    It's over, leave me alone and I don't want to see you again

  14. #14
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    Feb 2011
    I'm going on a third date next Wednesday. First date was fantastic, second one was really average. She had been out the night before really late with her girlfriends and had been working all day, she was totally exhausted and we went and saw a boring film.

    She was pretty quiet the day after and I asked what was up and she said she didn't feel the connection the night before and thought maybe we should just be friends.

    I just laughed and said you don't get off that easy. First date was great you were just tired last night after working all day, don't be so hard on yourself and anyway seeing as you screwed last nights date up so badly you still owe me a decent second date so I'll pick you up next Wednesday and you can make it up to me. She hasn't stopped calling me and texting me since.

    You should never have wimped out on her and pulled the it wont work card after a second date just because it didn't go the way you wanted it to.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horseyguy View Post
    I'm going on a third date next Wednesday. First date was fantastic, second one was really average. She had been out the night before really late with her girlfriends and had been working all day, she was totally exhausted and we went and saw a boring film.

    She was pretty quiet the day after and I asked what was up and she said she didn't feel the connection the night before and thought maybe we should just be friends.

    I just laughed and said you don't get off that easy. First date was great you were just tired last night after working all day, don't be so hard on yourself and anyway seeing as you screwed last nights date up so badly you still owe me a decent second date so I'll pick you up next Wednesday and you can make it up to me. She hasn't stopped calling me and texting me since.

    You should never have wimped out on her and pulled the it wont work card after a second date just because it didn't go the way you wanted it to.
    Well arent you just amazing eh lol didn't ask how your date went, cheers everyone!

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