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Thread: Any idea why he's doing this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Any idea why he's doing this?

    Hello Everyone,

    Here is My Q.

    I have a best friend, Male. We have been friends for more than 10 years. We have our own relationship but we're both single for some time. He's a popular guy, always surrounded with many female friends. We're still seeking for our own kind of relationship. Once, he declare that I am the "soul mate" in front of his friends. I am guessing he's afraid that people will misunderstand me as his gf but I have no idea why he's even thinking of that. I am Okay too, afterall it's better, otherwise sometimes his newly meet female friends will keep asking me if I am the GF. He's likes to go party and make friend but definitely not a player. I only join once in a blue moon.

    Few months ago, he moved to a new place. He has been inviting me but when I actually plan to go, he always asks me to bring my friends along or my cousins. He is down south, I am north. Need to travel about 2 hours by train. Well, the thing is, I am just planning to go to pop by for 1-2 days on the weekend. He's always not so keen when I bring up. So, eventualy, I give up.

    Recently, I have found out that many female friends have actually visited and stayed at his place. Well, we talk about everything, most of the time, I am the listener and the adviser. So, I actually asked him, dont you find it weird that when I plan to go, you're not so welcome but they have already visited? He just replied, anytime you want to come!

    The second time I brought up is more like teasing. We're discussing about property. He commented: if i was to buy the unit, he could stay when he visits. I replied by saying," sure, no problem, unlike someone, doesnt welcome friends but keeps inviting while others have visited." he replied: "yeah, who the hell is that"

    So, why is he inviting me but when I've actually planned, he's not so keen but other female friends can, go alone? This is weird, We're best friends.

    Few days ago, it was my birthday. My bro told me that he actually called up to ask the address, may be he's sending sth. I know my bro is such a spoiler but yer, I havent received anything but it's nice of him to do that, I guess. This is the 2nd time. However, on the very day of my bday. He didnt give me any wish @ all but only 2 days later, he wrote, happy belated birthday on my fb.

    What he's doing doesnt seem to make sense?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    It sounds like he is getting busy with other people, new friends, etc. and is suffering a little from "out of sight, out of mind" with you. Or, he truly loves you and can't take not being with you any more. Or maybe his computer broke. Or a hundred other possibilities...

    If you have been best friends with him for over 10 years, ASK HIM what is going on! Don't ask a forum. Talk to him and communicate.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    He doesn't want you to visit him. The why doesn't matter.

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