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Thread: Infidelity and leaching?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Infidelity and leaching?

    My wife left a couple of days ago. We've been together 3 years and get in an argument over rent (which she hasn't help pay in the 2 yrs we've lived together). She changed the subject after we started arguing about her contributions to the household. Our home could end up being foreclosed on and she was only asked to pay $150/mo since our flat mates cover the rest. After screaming about a variety of other subjects (everything from her problems with her abusive mother to my lack of work...I was laid off) she said she was falling in love with some dude her dads age that shes only seen in person 4 times but has been inappropriately texting for months. Complete with nude picture messages and all. She's an erotic model so I typically don't care about that, but she's been interacting with this guy a bit to much for comfort. Additionally she cheated on me before with some random guy cause she was wasted and he took advantage of that. I wrongfully punched her right in the face I was so offended. This resulted on us full on attacking each other. Luckily, my flat mates broke up the situation before it got even worse. Afterwards she said that she never said she was falling in love with him but that she was starting to have feelings for him and didn't want to 'cause she loves me. I want to try to work things out but she just keeps saying "No matter what I do you never believe I love you." How the should I deal with this? I'm sorry for hitting her; I don't want to loss her for a few seconds of uncontrolled emotions. She's the only girl I've ever really loved this much and I'm sorry for my mistakes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    You hit her. Why do you want to go back with her? she is a cheat and she pushed you to the point that you lost complete control. Do you really want to be that man? you two are not right for each other at all.

    Move on

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I feel like this whole situation was built out of stress and misunderstandings. If we can actually talk to each other civilly many of our problems could easily be fixed. She's dealing with some serious emotional problems that I can't fix though...and it's made talking very difficult during this ongoing spell of seasonal depression. I understand that she's mad at me for losing my temper. I certainly don't want to be that man...I've never hit a woman before this in my life.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You two are like oil and water ... You don't mix well.

    Why don't you get some anger management classes over with and then maybe she'll get the idea that you're trying to improve yourself. Then break up with her anyway because she's a broken woman and you can't fix her.

    She needs therapy and so do you. Will you get it? Doubtful because you're not serious about wanting to change. You just want some magic pill to fix you both up and you'll live happily ever after. Or, Am I wrong and you'll acknowledge that you're dysfunctional together (and likey apart as well) and that you need profession guidance to learn how to be good citizens of our world?
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    She only uses you for a place to crash. She really wants to date other guys. Why keep her around? It's pretty clear she has some serious problems she doesn't want to address. Do you want to go down when she crashes her life each time? Get away from this drama girl, and I mean "girl". She sounds immature.

    Does the sex really make up for all this drama? Seriously.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    She is an erotic model living with an unemployed man who has at least two additional flat mates. Plus, there was spousal violence. And multiple instances of cheating, either physically or emotionally.

    I am SHOCKED this isn't working out.

    Move on. It's over. Concentrate on getting yourself together and then maybe you will be okay for a relationship with someone else.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

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