So I am currently in a long distance relationship with a girl whom I do truly love. We lived near one and other for some time and now I've moved but we talk "often". My problem is nature in which we talk. She has got to be the least forthcoming person I've ever met. She so rarely talks about the details of her life; books shes reading, people shes conversed with, the general details of her day, what she's doing for the weekend ect. I mean I know nearly nothing about her days and goings on unless I ask and ask and ask and eventually get details. But it goes beyond that. She is also the most emotionally closed person I've ever met. You have to go ten rounds with her just to get to the core of some uncovered feeling. She's exceptionally guarded and private. Some of it, I get and some of it, most of it, tortures me on a daily basis. This would be more ok with me if she didnt have an wide open door relationship with her father. I mean they talk literally everyday about everything. Including sex. But with me, I can barely get an iota of information. I'm sure there's an benevolent psychological explanation for it, but WTF. Shouldnt she being going outside her comfort zone to show me love and attention? Its like she attempting the opposite. Its killer. And I wouldnt even mind if we could talk about it but when we do discuss it, she acts like this is completely normal and does share. Im stressing.

Not to mention I've asked her for sexual things while we are apart and she basically has not complied. Its impossible and tearing me apart. Any insight?