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Thread: Dating, then he moved - advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Dating, then he moved - advice

    Hey guys, I would appreciate some advice on this situation I have found myself in.
    I am 20 and about a month ago I was asked out by a guy who I have 'known' for many years (he was a few years ahead of me in school and I know his family), but never actually spoke to. Anyway, we were in a pub and got talking, exchanged numbers etc. We started to text and the chemistry was great, we went on a date and got along super well.
    Now, he is from my hometown but he has spent the last year living and working abroad, and on our first date he mentioned to me that he had to return there (Madrid, btw) for a few months in the future.
    We continued to text and talk and arranged a second date.
    Date Number 2 - he drops the bombshell that he is returning to Madrid in two weeks for work, and would be staying there until February. We spoke about this briefly, both expressing our regret that he was leaving so soon. After the date, we continued to text and chat every few days, and arranged a third date - both knowing that it would be our last date before he headed abroad.
    Now, during the course of the third date, he said several things that led me to believe he wanted our relationship to develop. While telling me about a friend of his, he said 'I really hope you get the chance to get to know ***** some day, he's such a good guy blah blah'. He hinted that he would like me to visit him in Madrid - however, I did not encourage this conversation because I know it wouldn't be financially possible for me. We kissed goodbye and left our 'relationship' sort of undiscussed. It seemed silly to have to discuss something serious after just a third date. Later that night, he texted me saying he hoped our next conversation would not be too far away.
    In the remaining three days before he was due to fly to Spain, we didn't text as he was busy with other things. This morning, before his flight, I texted him to say goodbye, and his reply sort of surprised me - he said thanks for a lovely few weeks, 'the timing was terrible but he had really enjoyed getting to know me'. It sounded so final!!!
    To be honest, I had hoped/expected that we would kind of put things on hold while he was abroad, and pick up where we left off when he returned in the new year. After three dates (admittedly great ones), it would have been way too soon to agree not to see other people in the meantime or anything like that. But his goodbye text today seems to go against the other things he said which implied we would continue things in the future.

    Perhaps I'm reading too much into todays text? Sorry for the long post! Is it realistic for me to expect that he will contact me again in four/five months time when he returns, after just a month of dating? We seemed to click so much, and I feel a bit heartbroken that he is gone without any sort of reassurance that things will be reignited later.
    I'd appreciate anyone's views on this!

    EDIT: Btw, he doesn't use Facebook, otherwise I assume staying in touch would be more likely.
    Last edited by Helter Skelter; 20-09-11 at 09:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    From what I can tell, Spanish guys are much more direct than guys in the U.S. My Spanish language teacher from Extremadura (spelling correct?) always was direct and said Spanish people are like that.

    Ask him directly if he wants to pick up after five months or continue to keep in contact during that time. In fact, as an American male, I'd like that from a woman a lot.

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