Me and her were very close, she came to me for everything, told me everything, shared her biggest secrets with me, we started kissing, making out, and sleeping in the same bed. Suddenly that just ended, mostly because of college, in the beginning anyway. I found out she has feelings for someone else now. I asked her what went wrong with me and why him now. She says shes confused and doesn't know. We were so close and it came to a sudden halt. She has known him for 1.5 months and gained feelings for him and dropped everything between us. She says she still cares about me allot and the feelings she had for me were real, and doesn't want to lose me, because maybe I am still the one.

Why does her feelings suddenly change? She said it could just be a phase with this guy, do girls actually have these phases, where they think they like someone, but realize it was just the moment?