Okay so need some advice-

There's this guy in my apartment complex that lives one entrance down, who for the past two months i've been living here, has been very into my dog. Every time he see's me out he HAS to stop by and pet him and say hello. I thought in the beginning he was just fascinated with how cute my dog is, but now i'm starting to have second thoughts. About a month ago i had asked for his name and he told me, but never asked for mine, but continued to still come up to me and play with my dog and say hello. Every time he leaves i always notice he looks at me and smiles an then walks off.

Recently he's:
-Been parking right in front of my entrance instead of his(so that he walks past my entrance, in order to get to his, which there's always spots available by his entrance)
- This week i was sitting out on my deck and he pulls up and walks past me, then comes back out 10 min later as he was leaving to go somewhere and goes out of his way to look up at me and say hello
- Today he parked directly in front of my deck (which he's been doing a lot lately) I took my dog out to go pee and just as i started to walk into my entry way to get to my apt he says (hey lil buddy, which is what he always says to my dog when he see's him) so i turn around and let him pet him and then he turns around 45sec later and says bye and gets in car with his friends.
-Lastly this week he caught my dog and i out again, and it had been a while since my dog and i had ran into him, so he comes up and says i see you outside all the time to my dog! I'm like you do? & he says yeah and chuckles..

What do you guys think? You think he's just into my dog, or may be using my dog to try and get to know me?