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Thread: Really need moving on advice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Really need moving on advice?

    My ex girlfriend split up with me over a year ago after an 18 month relationship. She was my first serious girlfriend and she gave reasons like she wanted to sort her life out with career, friends etc. We haven't been in touch much since the break up although I do still think about her and miss her alot but I have sort of accepted that we would never get back together.

    Since we broke up I've tried to get back into 'the game' but have been failing miserably. Well when I say i've been trying, I don't really know how to approach girls, what to talk about, when and where to approach them. Alot of people say don't look for love, it will come to you. But I can't see this happening, it feels like i'm invinsable to girls. I even tried internet dating for a while, met one girl, went on about 3 dates and then heard nothing from her again.

    My friends seem to be all in relationships, getting married, having children and all settling down. Then theres me, single and not even close to any girl. I work in a man's environment, the single lads at work have a new story every week about the girls they've been with at the weekend but I look pathetic because they know i've hardly been near a girl since my ex. When I go and see my nan and grandad they always ask me if i've got a girlfriend, the answer is always the same and I think there quite concerned about me as well.

    I think I probably have confidence issues as well, i'm 23 and have gone very thin on top of my head. Its probably aged me quite a few years and I hate seeing people I haven't seen for a while because they point it out. Maybe the reason why i'm invisable to girls.

    If anyone has any advice for me that would be very much appreciated?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Confidence is important, and since your lacking it I think you should be working on yourself and making you happy and then worry about a relationship. I don't know your situation but maybe if you bought some hair grow stuff that would help, although I've known guys with somewhat of a receding hairline and I thought they were still attractive. It's more how you carry yourself in public, if you act weird and are in your own world nobodies going to want to be around you. Just stand tall, smile, have fun, be outgoing and the girls will notice you then. As far as meeting girls, you should maybe go out with some friends somewhere, generally girls would be more attracted to a guy with a group of friends as opposed to him being by himself. Also it's hard to say where you can go to meet people, it just depends on the kind of person you are and what you like to do.
    As far as flirting, if you see a girl your interested in, smile at her, buy her a drink or strike up a neutral conversation, anything, But be very aware of her body language though, if she's acting not interested then leave her alone, all that matter is you let her know that you were.
    I know how you feel somewhat, I'm 22 and seems all my friends are either married or in a relationship and have kids, I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have someone. But eventually we all find someone. And I know it sounds silly but love really does come when your not looking for it, that's how I met my only two (ex) boyfriends(random chance)
    Well anyways hope this helped a little, Goodluck! & be happy and confident

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Start with yourself. Stop worrying about finding a girl and start working on you. Finding you is what being single is all about and it will help with getting over her and moving on. You need to figure out what it will take to become comfortable in your skin and comfortable with the way God made you. Then, and only then can you offer your love to a woman with confidence.

    You feel invincible to women because you are. You sound like you have very little confidence in yourself and this is causing you to feel like they don't even see you. It has nothing to do with the way you look, but how you carry yourself. Once you find what makes you happy and figure out how to become comfortable in your skin, you will be amazed at how women and other men see you.


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