I've known my love interest since we were 18 (that's 6 years now!) - we've always had a lot of chemistry and hooked up a few times when we were younger but never had a proper relationship due to bad timing - one of us was always in a relationship or just coming out of one etc.

We're both finally single and have been for a few months now and we've been talking a lot, texting and phone calls. We've been on a few dates and are at the point where we're both ready to start a proper relationship with each other - the only problem is that he works in the mines, in Darwin which is a 6 hour flight from where I live. He works in the mines for 3 weeks straight and then he comes back home for one week and then flies out for 3 again.

The one week that he is home we usually manage to see each other 3 or 4 times, and we both have a great time. And when he leaves I miss him like crazy. But I have always believed that a long-distance relationship is something that you do when you've been dating for ages and have something too special to lose over distance. Its not the way that you should start a successful relationship. I should also mention that both myself and my potential man have a history of cheating - both when we were a lot younger. He says the only person he ever cheated on his girlfriend with was me, but how do I know he is telling the truth?

Anyway, any advice from anyone suffering a similar situation would be greatly appreciated as I am very conflicted as to what to do - I like him so much and I don't want to lose him again; I've been waiting 6 years for this! But at the same time, would our relationship be stronger and last longer if we wait until he settles back home permanently (this is due to happen in about 6 monhts)?