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Thread: What do you think of my approach?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    What do you think of my approach?

    So this girl is someone I've dated before, in fact we had a year and half long relationship. We never fell out of love, there were just circumstances that made us fight a lot. Some of those circumstances have passed, and I think we've both grown a lot as a result of our six month break up and we are recently starting to get closer. She is sort of the emotionally needy type and for some very valid reasons. That's something about her that I accept but it's also pertinent here, because you see we started talking again and we saw each other as friends a couple times and without any instigation on my part she started asking if I still see anything in her, and saying things like, she's confused, and has mixed feelings about me and wants to get closer to me... then she got sick in a cycling class and threw up and of course, called me. I brought her some gatorade which made her feel much better and we were having a nice visit, one thing lead to another and we end up making out on her bed and having a bit of a cuddle. She says things to me like, "I missed you so much," "I feel so bad for ruining such a good relationship," "part of me still loves you," and "she thinks she's falling for me again." She also says things like "I don't want anything committed with you or anyone, " I'm afraid of getting hurt," "I'm afraid of breaking your heart again" and that she "doesn't want [me] to get attached"
    So here's where I am at: I am also very cautious or gun shy with respect to her but at the same time I know love her, and for all the dating I do nobody compares to her. We just feel so right. However I don't want to get myself in a situation where I'm making myself so available that she just endlessly shops around for something better knowing that I'll always be there for her. I'm not sure if she truly just wants to be uncommitted long term or if she feels more like me and just doesn't want to commit right away wile we ease in to a reunion. I'm not sure she even knows because she can't seem to clarify that point. Lately I've been resisting the urge to answer every call or txt because she does try to contact me at least once a day. I turn chat off on facebook so she can't talk to me the whole time I'm on. I have also been forcing myself to see other people because I know she is doing the same but again, all of this is basically a ruse and an attempt to not seem too available or over eager. I just hope I'm not playing a fools game and forcing her to loose interest in me. What do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    See her, but keep seeing other women, until she says she wants to be your girlfriend. Do not hide the fact that you are seeing other women, and make sure you turn her down when she asks you to go out of your way for her.
    Or just tell her to stop talking to you altogether unless she wants to try a relationship again. Then ignore her. She'll come back.

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