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Thread: Really need some opinions (especially girls) on a situation!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Really need some opinions (especially girls) on a situation!!

    So here's the situation... I'm a guy who's currently going to college. This past semester I had a teacher for a couple of classes...she's really young (as well as single) and the moment I saw her, I found her really attractive. But of course that's where it ends, seeing as I'm focusing on my education and any hint of something else would ruin that opportunity. Anyways, in one of our early conversations I said something to the effect of her looking nothing the way I expected..of course, she was kind of confused, and the comment wasn't really directed at her attractiveness..after her asking I explained that I just expected her to not be so young (most "professors" are in their mid to late 30s at the youngest). Anyways, throughout the course of the semester I got a lot of help from her outside of class, solely because the class was hard and I needed the help. However, this is where I need some input...one day (a couple of months after me making the comment about her not looking the way I expected her to), I'm getting help from her after class..we finish, I go out the door and am walking away and she calls out to me and asks me the following question: "What'd you mean at the beginning of the semester when you said I didn't look the way you expected me to?" or something to that effect. The whole time she had a smile on her face, and I've never seen that same expression on her again. It didn't occur to me in the moment, but #1: I'd already answered that question the day I made the comment, #2 I just found it a bit odd she'd follow me outside (where it was just me and her) to make that comment, when she could've made it inside the building (where we were surrounded by people),#3 The fact that she had not only forgotten about my comment but had been dwelling on it and brought it up after two months is also very strange. And, of course, the comment itself...the only explanation I have is that she pretty much suspected I had a crush on her, and is flattered (which explains her expression) but of course that's all she can do, seeing as I'm the student and she's the teacher. Maybe she thought me coming for help so often after class was because I liked her, and not legitimately about getting help. But it's been eating me away just to know what the comment exactly means and I'd like some validation of my own thoughts or some different input would be appreciated?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Depends... Seems too vague from just the info given. If I were her, I would think all my students were so cute (in the way people think little puppies are cute) because that's kind of how I feel about people younger than me. I'm not an expert at teacher-student relationships but maybe she was just teasing you. When I was in grad school we had a really young and single professor. She was probable 30s. One of my classmates was almost 30. He worked for several yrs and came back for school. Anyway he and all the other guys thought this professor was hot and he jokingly asked her out. Idk how serious he sounded when he did it but she basically just laughed her ass off and walked away. Not sure if that story helps or if its even relevant....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Don't you think it's still weird that after quite a few months, she'd bring that up out of the blue with no reference or prior conversation that even touched close to that topic whatsoever? And if she was kind of joking around (which I considered, but I still don't understand) then wouldn't that seem a little bit cruel? Like she's pulling the whole, "You can want me, but you can't have me" card?

    And if I can be more specific on anything, tell me what.. I understand that a lot of this has to do with the dynamic of the relationship over a period of time..that is, the course of conversations building up to that comment, facial expressions, and what-not, which can't really be captured unless they're experienced, so that's sometimes hard to articulate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Someone Please Help!! I want some honest input cause the whole thing has me so confused. Please..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    You are in luck. I'm a college teacher myself and started teaching when I was 24, so attraction to students was a definite occurrence (and still is, really). I think she has a crush on you. Yes, she probably thought you were coming to see her not only for legitimate help. As you realize, she has to be very careful with what she does to show her interest in you, even as your former teacher. She has put the ball in your court. If you are interested, make a move. I'm not going to guarantee that she will go out with you, but even IF she turns you down, there's no need to be embarrassed. She will see it as sweet and flattering and you will no doubt make her day if not her month. There are worse things. On the other hand, don't think for a minute that students are the only ones who have that hot for teacher fantasy. You may just end up making one of your favorite college memories

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