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Thread: Will her feelings change towards me? How do I handle this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Will her feelings change towards me? How do I handle this?

    Me and this girl have been talking for about 3 months now and we really like eachother. We have been on dates and I was about to ask her to be my girlfriend but I didn't because here's the problem. She is doing a mission for her church and was sent to South America, she will be back but in a year and a half from now . The only way we can communicate with each other is by letters. Before she left she said she loves me but not just like ''Love you'' she said ''I love you'' and I said it back because I feel the same way I mean this girl is amazing. The very last time I saw her was really hard because she was crying which made me cry. I forgot to tell ya'll that we are both 19. She has already sent me a letter which made me so happy. Whenever we're around eachother we have so much fun, we are always laughing and smiling at eachother. I told one of my friends that this was the girl I wanted to marry, call me crazy if you want. Let me just say that I do know what love is and feels like, I know some of you might doubt me because of our age and everything but I'm old enough to know how this crazy, evil world works. My question to everybody reading this is will she change her mind about me? I understand that people change and things happen so I just wanted some help. Also, how do I cope with this? It is really hard and some nights I find myself tearing up. Bad timing right? to fall in love with such an amazing person, and then next thing you know they're thousands of miles away. I believe in Fate and Destiny and I think this was meant to happen. God must have done this for a reason and I thank him for her, god can do great things. She makes me so happy and I'm glad she is coming back but it is going to take forever! I won't see her until August of next year or I think it's July.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    what does she need to change her mind about?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    No one here can answer if she will stop loving you. Everyone is different. All you can do is love her and treat her to the best of your ability. LD is always, but I think it can be done. Plus you know exactly when she will be back. Try to keep contact as much as possible. If she has access to email, write her everyday. Share with her all the details of your life state side. Good Luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Oakville, Ontario
    is there a way to talk to her on the phone or view her through a web cam ?
    it'll be quite tough being 1.5 years apart.

    I met my girl in Canada, and we hanged out for 1 month, and
    it was by far the best time, i have had with a person, and our
    feelings developed quite fast, eventually I fell in love with her.

    Next time we meet, is in 5 months (August), and we've been
    away from each other, for 1 month now.

    The longer you are apart, the more you want to see that person.

    My situation is different, as she might not be coming back here
    to Canada, and keep living in Poland, still trying to convince her.

    I also think that this girl was meant for me, and that God has kept us close,
    like her aunt ( where she was staying), lived like 3 minutes away from me.

    Maybe it was a sign, that is the type of women i should be with here in Canada, if i can't keep her, at least i'll know that i can find someone that likes me for who i am.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yeah I'm going to keep contact as much as possible like you said. She also said she will be able email me but I think she can only once a week. Thanks man.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ashley89 View Post
    what does she need to change her mind about?
    I have no idea, I'm pretty sure she won't though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    [QUOTE=Kromat83;879240]is there a way to talk to her on the phone or view her through a web cam ?
    it'll be quite tough being 1.5 years apart.
    Nope just through letters man it sucks. I wish I could hear her voice.. I'd do anything just to see those eyes again..

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