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Thread: Really hard to break up in my situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Really hard to break up in my situation

    Hi to everyone,

    I have a huge problem in my relationship and the question is ... actually, I do not know what to expect really...

    We have been together 6 years - two years that we are living together. We have common interests, she has 27 and is doctor and very kind. She can do everything what a man would want and can read it from his eyes. She cooks fine, she is from good, quite wealthy, family. I understand her needs, she can mine. Very responsible and ambitious. She stood by my side when my father passed away in accident, she stood by my side when I went through very tough disease. We traveled a lot across the world. I think we can be considered to be quite happy pair from outside look, but ..

    I do not want to behave kind of stupid, but she does not attract me sexually. I told myself hundred of times - "come on buddy, maybe any other girl attracts you more, but she is good, and you have not met a similar girl at all, and you are not perfect either". The sexuality that comes from woman is for me, some kind of special energy, dance, words, eyes, dark hair, figure, etc. I mean, there are tens of ways how to express it - it seems to me that my girlfriend lost that few she had when we met. I have to say, she has never attracted me as a woman should - our relationship transferred from perfect friendship and maybe this is the problem. I thought that these my needs of her sexuality would fade out when I will reach this age, but it is taking me into deeper and deeper depression and insomnia.

    Thing is, even if you meet some good girl and you like her, if she does not attract you, you will never love her. Interests, communication, common friends etc. - this can be good, but apparently for men it is not sufficient. Your "racio" is telling you that she would greatly raise your kids, but there is still some dumb evolution-villain that is telling you, that your kids will not be as nice/successful as you expect, because she lacks enough sexuality. I cannot explain it..

    Breaking up is very hard, if I tell her the truth, what others will think about me - "the look is important for losers" etc.

    What I wanted to say - please, do not jump into relationship that was originally a good-working friendship, mainly if you did not feel any attraction before... it's maybe the worst situation ever, because you like someone really much, but cannot love him....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Why did you go out ith her in the first place? You basically wasted 6years of her life coz u new this problem from the start. Were u insecure and just settled for her coz she was available and thought noone else would want you at the time?

    How can u say u dont love her? Uve been together for 6years. Let her go and find someone who will love her for who she is.

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