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Thread: Do I have a chance with this girl? I've been trying so hard =\

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Do I have a chance with this girl? I've been trying so hard =\

    Okay long story short:

    I'm in college and liked this girl but she had a boyfriend. She broke up, rebounded on me, i did not know and pursued her. She realized my interest in her, and started to avoid me. I found out she broke up after a month, and started talking to her just as friends.

    6 months later, took a risk and told her i liked her still b/c i thought she was ready. After that awkward moment, we stopped talking for a month. Gradually we started talking again.

    Now it has been 1 year. I asked her out on valentines day last minute but she said she already made plans with her girlfriends. I didn't consider that a rejection, so continued to be a good friend, showed support, showed her how great of a guy I am, etc...
    The Problem: "I do not know if she is not interested in me or she just doesn't want to go into a relationship yet still."

    My observations:
    1.)She is not a very materialistic girl. Wears cheap clothes.
    2.)She is girly, and mainly hangs out with her girlfriends. I have never seen her hang out with any other guys 1 on 1. Even I can't hang out w/ her 1on1, she would always bring her best friends.
    3.)She has a brother one year older.
    5.) She never initiates texting me, even if i don't talk to her for a week

    However, whenever i initiate texting her, she always replies, and asks how I've been, what've been doing etc... (this is why i'm confused)

    It's been a year, and i've been trying to win her heart since the moment i met her. I've tried moving on, dated other girls too, but always come back to her b/c she seems like "the one".

    I don't know what to do at this stage now. I keep telling myself she should be ready or at least give me a chance since it has been so long since her last relationship.

    Should i just try asking her out once again and if it is a rejection, i will have to forget her completely? ... or... continue to wait and just be her friend until she shows signs that she likes me a lot and want to start a relationship?

    Thanks, any help is appreciated!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I think if she was interested in you, you'd know it by now. It sounds like she returns your texts just to be polite.
    So here are some questions for you:
    1. If she is not receptive to your overtures, why in the world would you think she is, "the one?"
    2. Why do you keep punishing yourself by setting yourself for constant rejection? No to Valentines, you told her you liked her and then you two stopped talking - probably she stopped talking is closer to what happened.
    3. Why would you want to remain pals with someone you are interested in romantically, who only rejects you?
    4. When will you take, "no," for an answer?

    I hope you go out and find someone who returns your admiration. But here's another question: Do you thrive on rejection? Give it some thought.
    Take care, Ann

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