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Thread: Advice on pursuing my ex-girlfriend's best friend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Advice on pursuing my ex-girlfriend's best friend

    I am looking for impartial advice from a female perspective regarding the possibilities and potential pitfalls in pursuing an ex-girlfriend's best friend. I met her only once, when I was still dating my ex, and obviously couldn't act on the attraction then. I'm pretty confident that she would be interested if there were no complications, but I don't know how loyal girls are to their friends in situations like these. Even though the break-up was mutual, my ex is still a little hung up on me, and probably wouldn't want her friend to see me. It's a complicated pursuit, but I'm so incredibly attracted to her that I'm going to attempt it anyway.

    What is the best way to approach her? Meeting spontaneously isn't going to happen due to geography. It would have to be a planned meeting. My initial instinct is that I have no choice but to contact her through FB and admit the attraction outright, that to start slow would seem inappropriate and sneaky, that a dramatic seduction is my best and only chance to clear the hurdle of history. Am I wrong about that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Yes you are wrong. You can't go find some other bitch to play around with?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You know your ex would be hurt by that but you're going to pursue her friend anyway? Can ya get any douchier? One can only hope your ex's friend isn't quite so asshole-like.

    "A dramatic seduction" lol
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Guys aren't the only ones who follow a set of rules on loyalty like The Bro Code. Girl friends who are close are extremely loyal and the chances of her breaking her friend's trust for you is very slim now because your ex is still not over you. Now if your ex found another guy and was happy again, then she would probably give her blessing to her friend. I would say start out slow and introduce yourself again and get close and by then your ex will have moved on and youll have the perfect position.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    You want to ask her out just coz you thought she was hot? Is that all your standards are based on? looks?

    If thats all you want in a girl-im sure theres plenty other hot girls for you to hit on that are not best friends with your ex girlfriend.

    Exes are off limits. It makes things awkward and weird and even if your ex didnt mind-she still would not want to be around you and see you all over her friend.

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