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Thread: How do I cope with this? Heartbroken....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    How do I cope with this? Heartbroken....

    My girlfriend and I met almost 6 months ago, and have been dating that long. She moved from Texas to Tennessee for me, and then we fell in love with each other. We would talk to each other day and night from the first moment I met her. She moved in with her uncle, and left all of her friends and her entire life behind for me. She slowly became depressed, so she thought it would be best if she just visited her friends and family back in Texas. I thought that was a wonderful idea. She had just gotten a new high-paying job, and she was scheduled to start that job on Monday. She left for Texas on Thursday, and arrived late Thursday night. Once she got there, she immediately dropped her dog off, saw her mom and dad, and then went to the club she used to always go to with her girlfriends for one if her friend's birthday. She didn't text me much, next day she didn't text me until 8 that night, I texted back, got no response except one at 3 am saying she was drunk with her girlfriends and that she loved me. On that Sunday she was supposed to come home and get ready for her new job she was excited about, and I texted her " I love you babe. Please be safe on your trip home!" And she texted back at 3 and said "I don't think we are meant to be together." And I asked her why and she just said she felt it, she always thought I was cheating on her with my ex girlfriend, and she never believed me that I am truly in love with her. She always told me she would never leave me. Then out if no where, she just stayed in Dallas. Dumped me. I always tried so hard for that girl. So I gave her what she wanted, I just went out of her life, and changed my number. After all of the AMAZING times we spent together, she just left me out of nowhere, all because she missed her friends, her family, and partying. She even cussed me out and just said she was the one dumping me... I even had a promise ring for a prolonged engagement-sort of... And I was gonna surprise her. How do I handle this? It hurts. I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to cope with this? I mean it's like I never meant anything to her. She was the first girl that I truly fell in love with. Now nothing is the same in my life. It's like she never cared. I know she probably has her reasons for doing what she did, but I never would've thought she would've left me like that over a text... And now I'll probably never even see her face again. And we had our futures planned together.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by ManofSteele47 View Post
    she just left me out of nowhere, all because she missed her friends, her family....
    This is a huge point here. She went home and realized how much she missed the life SHE had before she moved for you. It isn't anything you did or didn't do, it was her missing where she was from, and realizing that is where she wants to be.

    Be happy for her, because she is happy now. She is right, you weren't meant to be together, she loves her home in Texas just as much as you probably love yours in Tennessee.
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You just move on, like people in local relationships. I've seen this more and more, obviously because of the 'net. I guess it's no different, if one doesn't have an objection to moving. Just more of a time and financial hassle.

    You weren't meant to be together whether you lived next door or 500 miles away. It seems like it's more permanent and more of a commitment when people move distances like that, but it's just part of the day and age. You weren't the one and she left, just a longer trip home.
    ...as ancient astronaut theorists would suggest

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ManofSteele47 View Post
    And now I'll probably never even see her face again. And we had our futures planned together.
    Life can sometimes be crap. Part of being an adult is learning how to deal with such crap. But you even had a promise ring ofr an 'engagement-sort of'. Or dear. Never mind there's lots of other girls out there and some might even live where you live, not in another state.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    It all happened too fast and it was just a fantasy. You cant give up your whole life, your family, your friends, career etc and move across the country/world to be with someone you hardly know and expect everything to be hunky dorey

    When reality sank in she realized shed made a mistake, home sick and depressed-she went home

    Look up infatuation: thats all your relationship was built on and once it wore off-she waved goodbye.

    Sorry mate, hard luck this time. Youll get over it though and youll meet someone local next time (hopefully)

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