I had finally found a man who I could actually relate to. We had such a beautiful relationship, very honest, caring, understanding and great sex. Then he decides he wants to break up with me because he's worried that I haven't been travelling and done all the things a 22 year old show be doing and that if our relationship was to go further, I would realise that I missed out on all these important life experiences and leave him.

He's 9 years older than me, runs a business and has travelled a fair bit before. Now he's thinking he likes the idea of settling down and he's considering a family. This all sounds perfectly normal for a man his age, and it is. The problem is, I too feel like I'm ready for this. I like the idea of settling down, I've always been very maternal and (with the right man) I do want kids in the next couple of years. I have always been too mature for my own good, the things that I "should" be doing now, like partying and drinking during the week, I did when I was much younger. So now, even though I'm in my early 20's, I'm so ready for a long term relationship, a house and a family.

We both want the same thing! Our relationship was good. I can see where he's coming from and I understand why he's scared of that, but I wouldn't do that. If I really had the urge to go travelling I would go for a month and come straight back to him. I wouldn't just take off indefinitely. That's what he did, and he can't seem to understand why I wouldn't too. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! We broke up 2 weeks ago and I haven't contacted him at all; I'm too hurt. I'm in my last year of studying but I can't find the motivation to do any work. I'm such a mess, I just want him back. No one did anything wrong, if anything, we're perfect for each other, WE WANT THE SAME THINGS IN LIFE!

Please tell me what to do. I hate not being with him...