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Thread: Should I be concerned with his jealousy? Or am I over-reacting?? Please read!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Should I be concerned with his jealousy? Or am I over-reacting?? Please read!

    This guy whom I will call J. J works for my dad's construction company, and he would stare at me alot, and then my dad said that J liked me. I went to a party J was persistent on getting my number. I gave it to him and I texted him 2 weeks later. It was casual, goofy texts, they weren't sexual, but he did ask me out alot. He texted me alot and called me, but my friends warned me about him, and I believed them, and plus he works for my dad so that would be awkward, so even though I felt bad, I rejected him. He then actually stopped texting and calling me. He turned though in the sense that he questions my where abouts. It's not all the time, but my mom said I was at my friend Erica's house and J said "Why is she with Erica?" Then another time my dad took me and my brother, and J to a baseball game and J was kinda drunk, and I came home early and J said in a stern voice "Where were you?" Granted he was kinda drunk. My dad's friend/worker Ron complimented me in a fatherly way cause he is my dad's age, he said "Sara you look nice!" Then J looked at him weird and said "Ewww" lol! Then while Ron was there J said "Take some pics of me and Sara" And J was like gripping me tightly, he was grabbing at my waist real tight, and just all over me, and it was tight grips! lol! I was weirded out by it, cause I am thinking is it because of Ron complimenting me??? He did this in front of Ron too!

    Another situation where I had to go to a funeral, and I ran into a old friend Ryan. J was there too cause he knew the person as well. Well when me and Ryan were talking J walked by and he looked straight back at me. Then my mom said that she said to J "Where's Sara, I can't find her" J responded in a serious voice "She left with her boyfriend" and he walked away. I didn't leave, but I don't know if he is just weirdly kidding?? Anyways my mom had to pick up J one day cause his car broke down, and my dad needed him for work, so my mom expressed to J that she was mad at me for getting home late last night from a guy friend's house. And J started to ask her questions like "What's his name?" "Ben who?" "Is he short with blonde hair?" and so on. My mom said he was saying these questions so fast she couldn't respond to him. I was sleeping in the living room, and J taps my head and said "Sara where were you last night?" he kept repeating himself, and then he tried o grab my blanket off of me, or something, and he then was taking pics of me, and I am weirded out at this point. He was laughing as he was doing this, and then he said to me "Who's dick were you sucking?"

    Then when he came back later in the day He immediately aproaches me saying this "Are you going to a funeral? or church? Why are you so dressed up?" I said "I look like a teacher don't I? Haha" I'm thinking, uh...None of your effin business dude! In a rude voice I said "I could smack you for what you did to me this morning!" He just smiled and said "Sara watch this vid of Gary it's so funny!" I was shocked that he was so cool with me, cause he has a short temper and I got a attitude with him and he didn't with me.

    Anyways, sorry you had to read that, but thank you for reading! I also wanted to point out he said he has Bipolar,Depression and Anxiety disorder. We had very few deep convos, but he opened up to me about his Ex saying how much he hates her. He loves his baby, and he called me up drunk and said that he wanted me to meet his baby, and I have only known him for 5 months, but I think he forgot about that cause he didn't mention it to me. He never complimented me ever! He never said anything mean to me either. He stares at me without smiling, and the most I heard of a compliment is when I said "No body shots" to my friend when he was taking pics of me and J and J looked at me weird and said "What's wrong with you?" and then another time when he was drunk he said "I couldn't believe you are Bob's daughter, I was like is that yours?" LOL! That's pretty much it. He is nice to me, but he is more rude and rough with other people. Should I be concerned? Does this jealousy sound bad? or am I looking into it? Also he stopped calling and texting, but could he still be obsessed? Any thoughts? please tell! Thank you so much!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hell yeah it sounds bad. He is jealous and you should have already picked up on that and he seems controlling. Any man imo that has to control a woman to get what he wants have some self esteem issues and they're not good enough so they are insecure with themselves. They know it too so they have to control and fight hard to keep you. Imagine being in a relationship with him. This shouldn't even be open for discussion. Don't take on those problems and you wouldn't if you are smart. The warning signs are all there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Yeah I am a over analyzer so I am kinda confused cause like I said he doesn't call or text me anymore, so I associate a obsessive person to do the works like, call,text,stalk, and see the person incessantly. Therefore, why I came on this forum cause I don't know if obsessive people are shrewd enough to know their limits in a way? or if I am just over analyzing the situation, but it is weird to me. Thanks so much for answering! You made a good point though! Thanks!

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