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Thread: love of my life left me for his dream career, do I wait?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    love of my life left me for his dream career, do I wait?

    Can you find love from a career and stay happily single?My ex left me because he decided that he was more of a career person. He wants to be a pilot and told me that he didn't want me to be the one feeling left out. He still loves me very much and we both know it will never go away. But his passion is to fly. This has always been the case and he know how much i want to support him. We had so much faith. He also wants to have nice things in life for his family to enjoy. He loves his family, his mum is disabled and he wants to look after her. But he wants to stay contact. His mum and sister always still text me, his mum especially doesn't want to let go,she saw the chemistry between me and her son and she always tells me she loves me. Do you think he will be happy with a successful career and looking after his family(parents and siblings)? I love him too much to be lonely.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by amylouise View Post
    My ex left me because he decided that he was more of a career person. He wants to be a pilot and told me that he didn't want me to be the one feeling left out. He still loves me very much and we both know it will never go away. But his passion is to fly.
    Flying, even doing it for a living, is a job. People seem to manage all sorts of difficult jobs (soldier, astronaut, oil rig worker) and somehow manage to have successful relationships. His 'I want to fly' sounds like so much bullshit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    It's an excuse. He doesn't love you enough to fight for your relationship so don't wait for him.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Move on with your life and if he comes around great, if not you will be okay without him.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    If he left you for his career, it shows how much you truly meant to him... I'm sorry if I'm being too blunt because I know it truly hurts, but if he really, truly cared he would have still included you in his life.

    That being said, realize your worth. Right now, I want you to stand up from the computer after reading this and find a god-damn mirror, and I want you to tell yourself, looking yourself in the eye, that you did what you could and that it's his loss. Tell yourself that you deserve better because he didn't consider you and how you feel by blowing you off for his career. And most importantly, tell yourself that you WILL find better because I know you will and I know deep down you know you will, as well.

    And when you find the right guy, he will always consider how you feel about it and won't shut you out of his life when he goes through something like this. You know why? Because MEN stick around and know how to have a relationship because they are willing to work through things together with you. BOYS run away like ants fleeing a magnifying glass. And most importantly, MEN try. Sure, Mr. Right won't be Mr. Perfect, but he will make you so incredibly happy that you'll feel sometimes like you can't feel any deeper in love and then become surprised when you find that you just fall deeper and deeper in love than you already were... He's out there, OP, and he's looking for you. This man just wasn't the right guy for you, and he isn't worth thinking about.

    Don't stop believing that the right man is out there. You'll find him sooner than you think.
    Hope this helps.

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