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Thread: What are our chances of getting back together?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    What are our chances of getting back together?

    My boyfriend and I have been seeing each other for 6 months now. As of the last 2 months we've been arguing quite a bit over pretty much nothing and we both acknowledged it and both were working on it. His response to arguments or stress in the relationship is to back off as in I won't see or hear from him as much until he's over it and as of the past 2 months it started happening a lot more. He used to text me throughout the day every day, we'd talk at night and see each other on the weekends. We don't live that close and both have tight schedules. The last time it happened I heard something from someone else and went off on him about it without asking his side first and this pissed him off. He was insulted that I accused him of such negative motives regarding this matter. I apologized, but he didn't respond to my texts the rest of the day which was pretty bad for our usual communication.

    Also, when he does cut back severely on communication and seeing one another it gives me a lot of anxiety and angst. I'm not sure why, but it does. The last time it happened as I mentioned above I was stressed and anxiety ridden over it by the end of the day. I ended up acting out and did something (won't go into detail out of embarrassment) extremely stupid which after it was all said and done shocked both he and I. I ended up embarrassing him and hurting him. I was wrong, I feel extremely ashamed and wish I could erase it all. I did apologize, but he basically broke up with me. He rarely texts me and if I text him I get very short answers if at all. He said that if he gets back with me now he knows I'll do something like that again because my behavior has been gradually getting worse. He also said that in order for us to get back together I have to change and stop said behavior. He said he doesn't mind me texting and calling him, but he can't give me more then what he's giving me now.

    I care about him a lot and want to be with him. I have a lot of respect for him as a person and although I did hurt him in this instance it wasn't intentional it was more so out of my reactivity to a stressful situation. I know that he cares about me as well, but it's evident this last incident was too much for him.

    It's been two weeks and our usual communication has stopped, no more good morning check-ins and texts, no more communication throughout the day for the most part and of course we haven't seen each other. I asked him to lunch twice to talk and although he didn't flat out say no he did make excuses for not being able to meet. He does still text me every night to ask how my day went and small things like that, but keeps the convos very short and somewhat distant. He does accept my calls when I do call. He also still does favors for me if I ask.

    My question to you all is 1. Do you think we have a good chance of getting back together and 2. how do I handle this without making matters worse. Should I stop initiating calls and texts to him and give him his space and let him come back to me? Should I act normal when he "does" contact me or should I stay reserved in our convos like he does and just wait for him to initiate developing our relationship again if he wants to? I'm in a lot of pain, I'm very sorry for doing what I did to him and I would prefer to have a relationship with him.
    Last edited by blissfinder; 01-05-14 at 08:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    1. No
    2. Yes
    3. Yes

    The fact that you are arguing a lot about nothing shows that you are both immature and incompatible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Sounds to me like the OP blew it and the guy is just pissed off. Will he come back - I doubt it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    1. If there is a chance, it's pretty slim.
    2. To not make it worse, I would say really just back off from the whole situation. I know it's hard, but I know when I want space, I need that space. If someone invades it when I need it, it will drive me even further away. The best thing to do in my opinion is hold back and let him think about this himself, and it might not even work out, but it will prevent further damage.

    In the mean time, sometime very beneficial for you would be to reflect on emotional control. Think about the things that triggers you to act very abruptly or causes you to accuse him of things. What would make him more likely to listen to you during conflicts? If you can take this time to gain emotional control over yourself, it would help your future relationship greatly either with him or another person.

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