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Thread: Confusing women. What could be her deal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Confusing women. What could be her deal?

    I'm kind of seeing a girl I've known for around 5 months. We've been hanging out (dating if you want) and generally having a good time but whenever we go out clubbing she get's a bit too drunk and then blanks me, even if it's just us two out with no mates. It doesn't make any sense to me. She's really insecure and can't handle anything remotely awkward, she thinks she's unattractive and seems pretty lost most of the time. I know I've made a few mistakes when we're out but the last time we went out together it was completely nonsensical. We went out to our local club and it was just us two for the first hour, having a laugh etc. But then she got to a certain drunk level and the wandering and distancing began. At the end of the night she was really drunk and just wouldn't speak to me, we were outside with everyone as the club was closing. She kept walking away and telling me to leave her alone but I could sense she was upset about something, so eventually she stops to listen to me, I'm not making any moves on her whatsoever, I ask whether she wants me to just go, she replies with yeah, I'm like okay, that wasn't expected. I continue trying to make sure she's okay then she starts trying to get with me. I just lean away and say that I want to make sure she's okay and that she can just say what's wrong. She say's I was D##k earlier in the night, I literally hadn't done anything except not try anything on with her. After that she storms off again, she ends up seeing a dude she knows and going up to him and hugging him, I think she may have been upset by now. I leave after that. I sent her a few texts asking what was that all about and that I didn't understand what was going on between us. She eventually text back saying she didn't go off with a boy and went home alone but completely ignored any of my other questions claiming she didn't understand what I was talking about. She avoids anything mushy like the plague. Anyway there have been other nights out where I've possibly done something wrong unintentionally and then suddenly she just blanks me entirely.

    Not really sure what do with this one. Also, she drops things in our conversations about us doing things together in the near future, like she plans on us continuing to see each other. My mates think I should just leave the whole thing, they pretty much hate me seeing her. Our messaging has has dwindled a bit in the past few weeks. I'm not sure whether to just cease messaging her or just go with the flow.

    If you have any questions about any of this then feel free to ask. Need the fresh outside perspective. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Ok, I can't be sure but it seems like she might be interested in you and is getting annoyed that you are not making a move. Some girls are very insecure about themselves. They think they aren't pretty enough or good enough to attract guys, but that doesn't mean they don't want to. Generally girls like that tend to crave attention. You spending so much time with her is giving her the impression that she might have finally found someone that likes her and whilst she's really happy about it, at the same time, she's feeling insecure and thinking maybe it's all in her mind and you just think of her as a friend. With you not making any moves, she can't be sure if she's imagining all this or if you really are interested in her and it frustrates her so she lashes out. Sometimes when people get drunk, they tend to let you see the side they are hiding so I'm assuming she's been trying to act indifferent but once the alcohol dissolves her mask, she shows her true feelings: being pissed off with you.

    Plus the fact you said she ignored all of your texts and only replied to one, telling you she didn't go home with the other guy. If she was going to ignore your texts, why ignore all but one? Why not ignore all of them? The only reason I can think of is that she cares about what you think of her. She is making an effort to make sure you know she didn't go home with the other guy because she doesn't want you to think she did. She worries about how you think about her. Then she's still making plans with you in them which shows she still wants you in her life.

    I would recommend showing her you are interested or even ask her out if you're confident enough. See how that goes. Hope that helped =)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Drop her

    You really want a girl who treats you like that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    She sounds like a drunken drama queen. Ugh!

    I think your friends are right... they've seen the two of you together so they would know who isn't good for you.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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