Hi guys,

So, like the title of my thread says, I'm totally clueless when it comes to guys. I'm actually single for half a year now, after being with my ex for six years. So my whole dating and flirting thing is a bit rusty. (English also isn't my native language, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes!)

To the point: there's this guy. He's a bartender (total cliché, I know) and I know him from around. We have the same interests and some mutual friends, so I've bumped into him occasionally. We've talked a couple of times, shortly, but they were always good and fun conversations about writing and music, our shared passions.

Last saturday, I ran into him again at a concert. He walked up to me and started a conversation - this time an actual, long conversation. He was standing really close and suddenly, I was feeling butterflies and getting nervous. So I made some fatal errors.

He said that he hated the dating game and the cautious ways in which you have to treat people. I agreed with him. Then I said: 'I wish we lived in a world where we could just walk up to people and tell them you like them.' He agreed with me. So far, so good. But then I said, because he agreed: 'Okay then, I guess I can tell you that I like you.' I meant "like" in the "i find you attractive"-way, not in the "I-love-you-have-my-babies"-way. But he didn't really like me saying that, he was looking at me weirdly, so I explained and he relaxed a bit.

He asked me to go somewhere more quiet, so we could talk. So we did, and again it was such a fun conversation. Then, this random drunk dude walks up to us and says: "You're a nice guy. You're a nice girl. I can count. When are you going to kiss already?" I was laughing awkwardly, but he persisted (and I really wanted to kiss my bartender too), so I did. Then, my bartender guy said: "That was easy."

We went to another place, with some friends of his. Along the way, we kissed several times, we just couldn't keep our hands off each other. When we came there, I made my second fatal error. Suddenly, I felt really shy being in a venue with only strangers, I didn't know what to say, so I was kind of quiet. He was talking to his friends, then he said to me: "What are you going to do?" I said: "I don't know, what you're going to do, I guess." He said: "Well, that sounds like an independent woman." So I went outside, kissed him and said goodbye. I went home. He didn't ask for my number, which I guess is clear in itself.

But now, I can't stop thinking of him. The butterflies, the kisses. It's the first time since my ex that I've actually liked someone - but I'm also kind of scared to be rejected.

Is he interested in me, or did he just want to get me into bed? Should I ask him out? Wait until he does? Or just pretend nothing has happened? It's been four days now, and I've heard nothing from him, even though we're friends on Facebook. If he really liked me, I would've heard something by now, right?

Thanks for the advice,