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Thread: Ex moves on so quickly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Ex moves on so quickly

    My ex dumped me so cruelly 6 weeks before our wedding date 6 months ago. We had been together for 7 years. After 2 months I found something in the flat which confused me. He had been learning another language from English into Finish and there were some intimate writings.

    I didn't think anything of it but afterwards through work collegues ( we work for the same company) I found out he had visited Finland twice. So I did suspect he was seeing someone else. And then the last two days it was confirmed. I deleted his number, blocked him on Facebook and blocked him from texting me. A work collegue of mine said he had changed his profile pic on his what's app to him and his new girlfriend. I felt like a knife was going through me. Up until that point, I thought I was doing ok and then it was confirmed. Now I just can't stop crying and thinking how so soon he can move on?? His best friend (who I used to be friends with) had spreaded at work that the reason my ex called the wedding off was because he wasn't getting enough sex. Most work colleagues are disgusted with him and his friend and have supported me but I feel humiliated.

    I just wondered 6 months on, is this normal that I am still grieving? He never even text me happy birthday merry Xmas or happy new year. I guess he was with his new girlfriend.

    This is my first heart ache and I feel like my heart is breaking all over again. Any advice or support is much appreciated!!
    Thank you for reading! X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    so sorry you went through that. your ex may be one of those guys who has more than one girlfriend in different locations. it is not that uncommon, especially if they travel to the same location frequently. it is very difficult.

    if he had been treating you like a queen and was behaving like your knight in shining armor, then unfortunately, you had a terrific relationship that has ended. i suspect that he was not the model boyfriend at all times. you need to remember that you are young and good looking and you will find love again! thank heavens he cancelled the wedding! if you were trapped in a marriage with a man who had other girlfriends, it could become a nightmare for you.

    seven years is a long time to count on a future with someone. there will be a void for a while. this is a very fertile time in our life, this is a great time to focus on improving yourself and your life. take walks, paint, write poetry, join a chorus. get out there and do things you love. focus on loving thoughts for yourself and your life. forgive yourself, and him. and remember, at least you had 7 good years. some people have fewer than this.
    we must remain grateful for the good that we have in our lives to move forward.

    check out my website? dating4women.com

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