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Thread: EX Gf messages me outta the blue, what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    EX Gf messages me outta the blue, what to do?

    Ok so me and my Ex broke up at the end of this past September, we were dating for 7 years, we broke up once before and we were broken up for about 7 months before getting back together and ultimately breaking up again about 4 months ago. SO when we broke up we kinda drifted apart in the summer, we took separate vacations and it seemed like we were on different pages. SHe messaged me one day to say that she didnt think this was working anymore. We never saw each other after that message we kinda left it at that, no exchange of stuff or even any explanations. We hadnt had contact since that day. Until on Friday, day before vday she messages me apologizing for just walking away and saying that she at least wanted to give me some of my stuff back. I told her it was okay and that she could drop it off at my place with my mom. She said she wanted to drop it off when i was there but in a not so obvious way. We texted for about 3 hours that day just catching up etc, and when I said that i was going to a music festival close to where she lives in july and she said she would like to go too if she could find somebody to go with her , maybe a hint maybe not. Anyways I dont know why she messaged me and I dont know where this is going, this is almost exactly how we got back together last time and I dont know what to do? We have had zero contact since the end of September even though she had wished my family a merry xmas and sent them all texts except for me, the weird thing is i was thinking about her alot lately and was gonna send her a msg or a letter telling her how much she meant to me and how i just got laxy and thats why we had broken up. Ultimately i just stopped making an effort and i took her for granted. I know shes still single cause, I myself just broke up with a girl i had been dating since December, what do I make of all this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Getting messages from ex is always confusing and you should decide if reason why you broken up is solved so you wont break up over it again.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Kinda ended out of nowhere, but there it was mostly just us growing apart. I kinda neglected her in the summer and we didnt really spend that much time together and when we did it wasnt the same, i think she maybe thought i was cheating but she never asked or said anything, when she messaged me the friday she said she waited this long to text me because "she couldnt face me" dont even know what that means.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    She may be feeling a little down over how she left things and simply wants to know if your alright. She may miss you as well and is testing the waters so to speak. The real question here is, how are you feeling about the whole thing? Do You want to see her again? Any feelings left over?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You've not had enough of a bond to keep you together. You broke up twice now. Tell your family to stop texting her if she contacts them and you block and delete her. Her contact is just keeping you both from actually rehabbing from the addiction of having one another in your lives. You don't have a strong enough bond to last a LIFEtime so stop wasting your good dating years on her.

    Cleanse her completely from your life so that you can be fully open in heart and mind to let someone who you are compatible enough with and who you actually will value enough to nurture the relationship whole heartedly.

    Don't let her crumbs hoover you back in for another round of "good until it's not" just because you both happen to be lonely at the moment.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    haven't really thought about it to be honest, I mean I miss her naturally cause we dated for so long, I really dont know how I feel and i know that missing her isn't enough, I obviously do still love her and could see myself with her more than anybody else really.

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