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Thread: Honest questions about first impression, need love advice...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Honest questions about first impression, need love advice...

    Okay, i get it, first impression is important...

    But lets say i met a girl, our first communication didnt go well, she clearly showed me that she was not interested in me...

    But is it possible to approach her again?
    I asked some tips from other guys and they basically say "get over it man, plenty of fish in the sea"

    What if i dont want to be like that? What if i really like her?

    I want to ask girls in here, are you really base from first encounter? How do you feel when some guys whom you dont have interest in the first time, try to contact and approach you again? Is there a possibility that you might change your mind?

    If its possible, any tips on how to contact her again?
    Last edited by GD4985; 02-04-15 at 05:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I've heard of girls changing their minds as they get to know a guy better - but I don't think it's common.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by basilandthyme View Post
    I've heard of girls changing their minds as they get to know a guy better - but I don't think it's common.
    Hi there, thanks for replying, so there is a chance...

    Any tips on how to contact her again? Can I say things like "I think we started on the wrong foot... would you give me another chance?"

    Or.... i dont know, any tips...?

  4. #4
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    Apr 2015
    there is a GREAT possibility she might change her mind.

    she will simply think, wow, how did i not notice i liked him the first time...

    go for it...

    first impression is simply one time she saw you, not nearly enough for her to have a definite opinion of you...

    how can you even be sure she didn't like you...

    GO FOR IT!

    whatever you say, just be true to the moment...

    tell her the truth, girl one encounter is not enough to discard a guy i really like you...
    be bold darling and good luck...

    good man is not easy to find, this is for her benefit as well...

  5. #5
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by eve.ashley View Post
    there is a GREAT possibility she might change her mind.

    she will simply think, wow, how did i not notice i liked him the first time...

    go for it...

    first impression is simply one time she saw you, not nearly enough for her to have a definite opinion of you...

    how can you even be sure she didn't like you...

    GO FOR IT!

    whatever you say, just be true to the moment...

    tell her the truth, girl one encounter is not enough to discard a guy i really like you...
    be bold darling and good luck...

    good man is not easy to find, this is for her benefit as well...
    Hi thank you for your reply...

    Great, you gave me hope again...

    well i believe sometime girl based their judgement from their first impression...

    And past experience also back up my statement...

    How do i know? Well, typical not interest indicator... no eye contact, short answer, only answering and no asking, body language... But it was all my fault, I think i have a dark humor that not suitable for her, but I would erase that if she gives me another chance...

    My question, how do I start again? What should I say...?

    Thanks again ashley...

  6. #6
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GD4985 View Post
    How do i know? Well, typical not interest indicator... no eye contact, short answer, only answering and no asking, body language... But it was all my fault, I think i have a dark humor that not suitable for her, but I would erase that if she gives me another chance...

    My question, how do I start again? What should I say...?

    Thanks again ashley...
    actually say whatever you want, coz all of those can be also indicator of her liking you too much and being slightly intimidated by you...and your humor...

    honey, just go for it...

    after three months nobody would remember the first impression...

    if your humor made you look creepy, make sure you show her that you are not creepy...

    if it make you look dark and twisted, show her that you are not. not to a pathological point anyway, lol


    Last edited by eve.ashley; 09-04-15 at 04:39 PM.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by eve.ashley View Post
    actually say whatever you want, coz all of those can be also indicator of her liking you too much and being slightly intimidated by you...and your humor...

    honey, just go for it...

    after three months nobody would remember the first impression...

    if your humor made you look creepy, make sure you show her that you are not creepy...

    if it make you look dark and twisted, show her that are not. not to a pathological point away, lol


    Really? Wow never think of that way... haha
    You open my eyes girl...

    okay maybe I should wait first and start again later...

    Its the second one... haha okay then, thanks for your advice...

    Thanks ashley...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    so you probably intimidate her.

    lol, nobody wants to fall in love with a dark and twisted guy, and clean his dungeon and wash his sexual pet midget's privates, lol

    you go in there honey, and show her the gentler sides of you full of light.

    let's leave the dark, slightly scary stuff for when she knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are both a sane and a good man.

    she is a lucky girl, you seem like a great guy...

    i admire how you were not offended when you thought she missed to notice what great catch you are, and how you weren't phased by, (wrong) advice of your friends.

    let us know what happened, will you?

    Last edited by eve.ashley; 09-04-15 at 04:41 PM.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by eve.ashley View Post
    so you probably intimidate her.

    lol, nobody wants to fall in love with a dark and twisted guy, and clean his dungeon and wash his sexual pet midget's privates, lol

    you go in there honey, and show her the gentler sides of you full of light.

    let's leave the dark, slightly scary stuff for when she knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are both a sane and a good man.

    she is a lucky girl, you seem like a great guy...

    i admire how you were not offended when you thought she missed to notice what great catch you are, and how you weren't phased by, (wrong) advice of your friends.

    let us know what happened, will you?

    Yeah it was like that, first couples of minutes, everything was okay... but when i joked arround, she changed...

    Yeah i guess, my humour is not for everyone eh?! Haha

    Thanks ashley, I always like that. kind of stubborn actually, but im okay with rejection, as long as i have given my best... my approach with this girl was far from best...

    I will, but at least I have to wait for couple of months right?

    Thanks ashley, youre so wise and eye opener, especially the indicator...

    I always think that "not interested indicator only work one way"...

    But how do i know when girl does that, it means they are really not interested? Because if I assume the otherwise, and keep on going, they will not like that and will get annoyed... i dont want to be that kind of guy...

  10. #10
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by eve.ashley View Post

    please tell me what you've said and done to scare her off, lol

    now, do not wait, , i meant after three months of your guys dating, she will not remember her first impression anymore and will judge you on many other impressions.

    it's better not to give up too early, and of course it's not good to be pushy, so you will strike a balance...

    don't worry darling, if you want to find balance you will.

    it's a bit, tries and error, like for the most of us, but if you built it, (your character), it will come (balance)

    i am not worried, you will never be that guy. you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

    it makes me happy.

    the more of us try to be good people, the less is this world a painful place ...

    my, im' getting deep, lol

    please, do tell us what you've done to this poor girl,

    I see... so its about balance, when she rejected or show no interest, dont give up at once, try again for sometimes, but not too pushy also... I see your point...moderation

    Im doing it wrong all this time, usually when they do that i just said to myself "not working or no chemistry, move on".. but there something different about this girl...

    She is beautifully simple, no makeup whatsoever, but also kind... which I found it kind of rare these day in my place...

    Well its not about her actually, I kind of made joke about a death member of my family... like, "thanks god his gone", things like that...

    My assumption is that, she is a family girl type... and maybe she has a good one...
    but hey, not everyone has a good family like her right? But maybe i shouldnt make joke either.. haha

    Well thanks ashley, im so flattered...

    Good thing you reply my threas, really need girl perspective on this kind of matter...

  11. #11
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by eve.ashley View Post

    please tell me what you've said and done to scare her off, lol

    now, do not wait, , i meant after three months of your guys dating, she will not remember her first impression anymore and will judge you on many other impressions.

    it's better not to give up too early, and of course it's not good to be pushy, so you will strike a balance...

    don't worry darling, if you want to find balance you will.

    it's a bit, tries and error, like for the most of us, but if you built it, (your character), it will come (balance)

    i am not worried, you will never be that guy. you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

    it makes me happy.

    the more of us try to be good people, the less is this world a painful place ...

    my, im' getting deep, lol

    please, do tell us what you've done to this poor girl,
    I see your point, so its about balance... if they reject or show no interest, dont give up just once. Try some some more, but not too pushy also... moderation, thats the key... haha

    Im doing it wrong all of this time... usually when they do that, i said to myself "not working or no chemistry, move on". But this girl is different, she is beautifully simple, no make up whatsoever but still gorgeous, she also kind. Which I found it kind of rare these days in my place..

    Well is not about her actually, I made joke about a death member of my family. Like " so glad his gone" haha...

    My assumption is, she is a family girl type, and she has a good one... but hey, not everyone has a good family. But maybe i shouldnt make joke about it either...

    Well thanks ashley, im flattered...
    thank goodness you replied my thread, need girl perspective for this kind of concern..

    Okay, ill try to contact her agaib later and she what happen... haha
    But what should I say? "Hi, I think we got on the wrong foot, lets try again" things like that?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GD4985 View Post
    Yeah it was like that, first couples of minutes, everything was okay... but when i joked arround, she changed...

    Yeah i guess, my humour is not for everyone eh?! Haha

    Thanks ashley, I always like that. kind of stubborn actually, but im okay with rejection, as long as i have given my best... my approach with this girl was far from best...

    I will, but at least I have to wait for couple of months right?

    Thanks ashley, youre so wise and eye opener, especially the indicator...

    I always think that "not interested indicator only work one way"...

    But how do i know when girl does that, it means they are really not interested? Because if I assume the otherwise, and keep on going, they will not like that and will get annoyed... i dont want to be that kind of guy...


    please tell me what you've said and done to scare her off, lol

    now, do not wait, , i meant after three months of your guys dating, she will not remember her first impression anymore and will judge you on many other impressions.

    it's better not to give up too early, and of course it's not good to be pushy, so you will strike a balance...

    don't worry darling, if you want to find balance you will.

    it's a bit, tries and error, like for the most of us, but if you built it, (your character), it will come (balance)

    i am not worried, you will never be that guy. you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

    it makes me happy.

    the more of us try to be good people, the less is this world a painful place ...

    my, im' getting deep, lol

    please, do tell us what you've done to this poor girl,

    - - - Updated - - -

    did you erase your response??

    it was a good joke

    i call her liking you, just being slightly intimidated.
    Last edited by eve.ashley; 09-04-15 at 06:08 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by eve.ashley View Post

    please tell me what you've said and done to scare her off, lol

    now, do not wait, , i meant after three months of your guys dating, she will not remember her first impression anymore and will judge you on many other impressions.

    it's better not to give up too early, and of course it's not good to be pushy, so you will strike a balance...

    don't worry darling, if you want to find balance you will.

    it's a bit, tries and error, like for the most of us, but if you built it, (your character), it will come (balance)

    i am not worried, you will never be that guy. you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

    it makes me happy.

    the more of us try to be good people, the less is this world a painful place ...

    my, im' getting deep, lol

    please, do tell us what you've done to this poor girl,

    - - - Updated - - -

    did you erase your response??

    it was a good joke

    i call her liking you, just being slightly intimidated.
    No i dont know, it said i need some moderator permission...

    Can you see my response? Pretty long one...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by eve.ashley View Post

    please tell me what you've said and done to scare her off, lol
    I dont know, it said i need moderator permission...?

    Did you see my last respond? Pretty long one...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I dont know, it said i need some moderator permission... did you see my last respond? Pretty long one...

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