i'm seeing a stripper just now some might say this is a bad move but it's still a funny story.

we where at the bar talking while she was working, she went and got this guy who was younger than me over. They came back to the bar and her hands were all over him him and she was sipping his drink etc. Bitches like to hustle guys and tehyve got tactics in there arsenal ive been in some ****ed up situations with girls before you only live once and all that

While this was going on the dudes head was in front of me and she behind covering in her face. i saw her peek her head out to look at me probably just to see if i was noticing or not. I'm just curious, we aren't really that serious just yet and we barely know each other aside from sexual encounters outside her work but i still like her and i know she likes me. was she trying to make me jealous or what considering she could of had this hustle anywhere else?