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Thread: keep moving ? or keep moving to her ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Keep moving?? Or keep moving to her?

    first sorry for my bad English .
    okay so my story goes like that ,
    i loved a girl almost 5 years since i have been 14 , today i am 20 years old , it never felt for me as a teenage love .
    anyway when we were at high school , at the last year , suddenly my Ex became friend with my GF .

    from there things kept on changing , before she came , we loved each others so much , and nothing could ever had stand between us .

    after she came , my gf became slowly a person that i dont want to be near him , she became a copy of my ex .

    How she dress, Talk , Even ****ing eat .

    so i needed to stop this chaos , i went to her one day and i told her either me or her !

    she said " of course you "

    buy guess what although we had loyalty and trust between us , this time she lied to me , she didnt get away from my ex , she even became closer .

    how i knew ? well i didn't want to see my love falling apart so i have been in touch with my ex all the time to stopping her from destroying my gf ( but my gf did not know that)

    anyway one day a friend of mine come to me and says , " i hear many rumors and strong ones about your gf , is she seeing her classmate ?"

    by then i didn't really give it a lot of attention because i loved her more than anything and she did too.. so i skipped it like nothing happened .

    by the time , things were getting even more weird she began doing things behind my back and when i figure out she find an excuse and sometimes apologize for doing so .

    i have giving her a lot of chances because she have been the one for me , and i could not stand being away from her even one minute , i have been simply addicted to her .

    one day i saw her and her classmate very close to each others , that if you saw it you would say he is differently kissing her ( i did not see it clearly )

    i went to her and asked , why are you doing this to me ,

    she answers with tears - you deserve someone better , you have been always loyal to me , you loved me so much and in return i did a lot of mistakes in return - i don't deserve you .

    by those words i understood only one thing "she cheated on me " - she didn't admit it till this day , every time i asked her she answers " i loved you so much - buy i cant be with you "

    and that shit drove me crazy ! like you did the mistakes and am coming here to open new page!! whats wrong with that, and in return the same answer ! "MOVE ON "

    and i did , right now am at perfect job , and soon starting my academic studying , but i still love her and i have not been with anybody for ****ing two years , just going on party's and having fun and thats it .

    there are many great girls and people i know around me , but my heart refusing Anyone else than her! its just like an virus to me , it has been almost year and half i did not speak to her and seen her and am still crazy about her .

    before we have been talking from while to another but in the last 6 months i have not heard from her anything , and i did not send any message .

    but every single night i watch the "online whats-app " thing and i just getting crazy to talk to her , but every time i want to write to her , i close my phone so i avoid doing it .

    and right now am going to another country , a lot of things going to change , and am not afraid from a CHANGE , but i still love her and that what is bothering me .

    do you think i should talk to her? or just to keep moving and waiting for time to do his job?
    Last edited by jhonche1; 11-08-15 at 03:34 PM.

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