I've been in a long distance committed relationship with a guy for about a year. I drive to see him 3.5 hrs. We hang in hotels (he pays most of that) we talk nighlty and text all day. he tells me he loves me most. he says he don't want to get married ( i say it too) but I'm pretty sure he really does. He has addictions to alcohol & will sometimes do hard drugs but who am i to say shit when in fact i smoke weed all day everyday. he doesn't smoke crack often and then is honest about it to me and i get but hurt because weed is really good for me and crack is fuggin i hate it hate it. .. what he's told me. 2 slip ups in the last year.
We used to hang out in high school and i had a mad crush on him but played it like i didn't .. he took my virgnity and we ended up haveing madd sex never actually dating or being a couple adt I'm sure it turned from a crush to i was in love with him. he went to jail shortly after high school and i made a whole group of no good-nazi boys.
few yrs ago i fb him .. his first lines he said was he always loved me and that he would often try to find me.. o man my heart melted!! He told me his fb login stuff and i have snooped to see if it was "line" but only me he said it to. He told me tonight as he often does is how much he loves me but tonite and last night i have made a judgement on him. my jeep that i bought so i could drive to see him. needs $1500 in repairs and i don't ask anyone for shit but if this man truely and honestly loves me wouldn't he want to help me out? I asked him for 250
He works like everday and does some side jobs... maybe he's smoking crack more then he says cuz why would he be so defesive about money to help fix my car that i drive to see him and he drives it to even tho he has no license .. he never drinks then drives i have ZERO tolerance for dd. .. but whym would he need to drink we smoke pot all day together ...when were in for the night he start s drinking .am. i stupid? I have a nitch in life and ppl pay me for animal care and i always put animal first and clientsi always telling ppl about how happy their animals are and i have plans .. I'm a procrastination but i get my shit done .. never procrastinate about animal care fyi. I'm confuzed about my relationship .
Really if he says he loves me then why wouldnt he help me ? Tell me something plz.