One day there was an ugly guy who had a cute & sexy girlfriend!
So cute & sexy, the girl looked like a Hollywood actress...nope, it wasn't she looked like a Hollywood actress, the Hollywood actress looked like her instead!
But the guy really ugly! So ugly, he looked like a Holllywood actor...yub, he was the starring actor on "Beauty & The Beast"!
He was rich perhaps? Nope...he even had to sell his shoes just to buy instant ramen...

Curious, a random guy asked the cute girl why she was willing to be an ugly guy's gf.
You know what she said?

"I date him, so when we die we can go to heaven..."
"What?! Go to heaven?! How come?!"
"Absolutely! He keeps on being grateful...while I always pray to God for this disaster..."

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Ahoy, Matey! Don Juan here, a professional Dating Coach.

Do Girls really like good-looking & rich Guy??

Almost all guys who know nothing about the Art of Dating think that girls just like a good-looking or rich or buffy guy...

So, as a Dating Coach, I ever did a mini survey on my female friends...but, don't get me wrong, my female friends are cute! Unlike yours, whose female friends only exist in The Sims...

So I ask 1 of them, "hey, babe, by the way, do you like a handsome guy?"
"Umm...I like depends on who he is..."
"How do you feel when you see a good-looking guy?"
<- Secret question! Only Dating Coach gets this...
"I feel...he's clean, fresh, and knows how to take care of himself..."
In my heart, "that's it! That's the secret!"

A few days later, I was having a dinner with my other female friend...we were having dinner beside a hot dog cart! Hey, don't get me wrong, 'though it's just a hot dog, but it's cheap!

I asked her, "do you like rich guys?"
She answered, "umm, maybe..."
"How do you feel when you see a rich guy?"
"I feel a rich guy is someone who's autonomous, responsible, as long as he's rich due to his effort, not his parents..."

Again I said, "that's it! I know the secret!"

And the last one, I was hanging out with my other female friend.
My question was, "do you like a guy with six-pack abs?"
She said, "I guess so...why?"
"How do you feel when you see a buffy guy?"
"He's healthy, strong, protective, masculine as well..."
"that's it! that's the formula!"

Ok, Matey! 3 absurd surveys, you got the conclusion? You don't know? No conclusion!!

Of course there is! When I asked a girl why she liked a good-looking guy, she loked him because he's clean, fresh, and knows how to take care of himself!
That's it! You don't need to be good-looking, Matey! As long as you're clean, fresh, and know how to take care of yourself, girls see you as good-looking as Adam Levine!

'Though you have lesser money than a jobless long as you're autonomous, responsible, & passionate your job/business, girls see you as rich as Bill Gates!

'Though your belly so heavy that when you do bungee jumping the tower collapse, or you're so skinny that everyone afraid to see you, because you look like a walking skeleton,
As long as you're healthy, strong, protective, masculine, girls see you as buffy as Channing Tatum!

"True love doesn't need a reason..."

It's time for...Bad Boy's Challenge!!

For all Mateys here, I have a replies on here...let's say your face so irresistably ugly, there's only your ID card in your pocket, your body looks like an abstract painting, how to trigger those kind of feeling on women?

The best & most creative answer will get cute & sexy girls, whoops...I mean you'll get special prizes from me! What's that? Secret!

Termms & Conditions: this thread gets many views, 1 user may give many replies, post on fb, tweet on twitter, and just leave a reply with the answer.

If you want to give me reputation, gimme red! that's my favorite!
The winner will be announced 7 days after this thread posted!

That's it, Matey! Don Juan here...
Enjoy your life, and...keep amazing, Matey!
"It's Good to be Bad!!" Heave Ho...