Hi. This is sort of difficult for me but I want to get some release and relief.
I think I need to start from the beginning. In my last year of college a girl and I had an unplanned pregnancy. We were scared and didn't know what to do. She decided to keep him. At the time I was very scared and was not the best to her. In time we decided to be together but lived in different cities. Eventually she moved out to me and we lived together. Things seemed to be going great. We were in love and the baby was doing great (still is). Suddenly - this last December she decides she isn't sure, she wants to move out and break up. Obviously I am surprised, but what can I do? So I accept it, help her move out and we are now living apart. She said she wants to make sure we are right for each other. So the last few months were going well, we were being great friends and working towards more again. That is, until just a couple nights ago. I was feeling a lot of emotion and I kind of exploded. I said some very mean, hurtful and immature things. She told me before that she really thought we would be okay but now I absolutely ruined everything. She called me a disgusting human being.

I did not mean the things I said at all, honestly! I am not that person and I love her so much. This breakup is just so hard because we have so see each other all the time because of our child. I went too far the other night and she said so many things why she hates me.

What do I do here? I want to give her space (haven't seen her since this happened) but I also want to apologize. Do I have hope that we can move past this? Or do I try to move on? We will always have some sort of relationship because of our son, but she said we will just be friends for him.I want to have hope that she will come around - maybe a long time from now. I really feel we are meant to be and everything happens for a reason. I am so sad and depressed. The only thing keeping me going is my son.

Thanks to anyone who reads this and can provide any clarity.