We met around a month ago, we are both single, same age. We are friends.

He seemed to like me from the start, he would always compliment me, say I am smart and funny in front of our friends, he would initiate conversations(I would initiate as well) and he would keep the conversation going. He would always send me hearts and smileys and find excuses to talk to me. And he would always both pm me and talk to me on the group chat we are on with our friends.

Last time we talk was 1 week ago. We were texting teasing each other (he always teases me), he was complimenting me again and kept calling me cute names. He joked about me hugging him and cuddling with him in the future. He then had to go to sleep, it was super late, but he stayed an extra 10 minutes to talk to me.

Next day he didn't text me anything when he woke up. I texted him in the afternoon ''Hey, how are you? '', he read it and didn't reply. He kept talking with our friends on the group chat but wasn't talking to me or replying to my text. Days passed, still no reply. He saw me in person and he completely ignored me everytime. He doesn't even tell me Hello or Goodbye anymore when he sees me or when i go away. It has been 1 week now and still nothing.

So what do you think happened in those 8 hours he slept? It doesn't make sense to me. Did he never like me? How can I know? Maybe he thought I rejected him because I joked when he talked about me hugging him? So far I had been treating him like he was treating me, I was very sweet and attentive. We also never had a disagreement.

What do I do now? I haven'e sent anything else and I don't want to to be honest. I feel kind of rejected. Should I just keep ignoring him like he does?