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Thread: Cancels 15 Minutes Before Meet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Cancels 15 Minutes Before Meet

    Yesturday was suppose to be my second date with this new guy I went on a first date with last weekend. During our first date, we discussed this movie double feature happening this past weekend, and he said he wanted to go, and we had it all set and planned out. So the second date day arrives, and him and I talk in the morning between 10AM and 11AM and I give him my address, and movie details and tell him to pick me up by 6PM, since the movie started at 7PM. Everything is set up and him and I can hardly wait, and he even says "It should be a fun time".

    So after that talk, I go about my day doing things around the house and then start getting ready in the afternoon time, and by 5:30PM I am eating dinner, and around 5:45PM I receive a text and I figure its him saying he was there and ready to go. But I check the text and it's

    Him telling me this, "You're going to hate me. I've been sick all day. I just woke up from a nap. I can be there in about an hour, but I don't think we're going to make it to the movies".

    I reply with "Oh I'm sorry to hear that hope you feel better and its ok we don't have to go. Wish you would have told me this earlier though, got ready and was looking forward to seeing you. Hope you feel better."

    He replied with "I do like you. I would still like to see you. But its too late for the movie. I'm sorry I was napping earlier. Or I would have been on time".

    I replied with "If your sick I don't want to get sick."

    He replied with "I'm so sorry".

    He then replied with "Can we try next Saturday?"

    I replied with "If you don't wanna see the movie, you could just tell me, I'd like us to be honest with each other. Even if you don't like me and don't want to date me, just tell me. If you still want to date me we could try again next weekend I can think of something. So you tell me, what's going to happen here."

    He replied with "I'd like to see you next week. I over slept, I wanted to see the movie".

    I replied with "Ok, there's something happening next weekend, you want to do that?"

    He replied with "Yeah that would be fun".

    I replied with "Okay, you want to Skype, I am online".

    He didn't respond to that or talk to me anymore that night, our chat ending around 6:30PM.

    But he managed to go on Facebook and update his status's a few times, and was even logged on Skype was "available late at night around 1AM onward.

    So I don't know what to make of this, does he like me or not? What do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Well, I would say this....

    So far you've gone on one date. You had a second date planned, but he cancelled last minute. .....BUT, he did say it was because he wasn't feeling well, and he did seem very open to rescheduling. So, is it possible he's just flaking out on you? Sure, of course that is possible. But is it not also possible that he actually DID get sick and actually DID wind up taking a nap longer than he intended? Pardon my French, as the say, but $h*t happens. Sometimes life does actually get in the way of our plans.

    So, I would definitely say you at least keep it open in the back of your mind that MAYBE he is just flaking out on you..... but I would say you at least give him another chance. If this last minute cancelling becomes a pattern, that tells you all you need to know. On the other hand.... what if he actually was just not feeling well that day and you throw away what could have maybe been a good relationship just because of one thing?

    Believe me, I understand how you feel. If I were you, I'd be wondering the same thing. The thing is, though, sometimes life happens, so to speak. Heck, if you saw he was online all night, that could mean one of two things. It could mean 1) He was actually up all night talking to other women or it could mean 2) He actually WAS sick, couldn't sleep, and figured he'd waste time online since he was feeling too crummy to go out with you.

    You'd only gone out on one date, so I wouldn't suggest you think too deeply into why he'd be online and yet NOT talk to you all night. Maybe there is more to it, but it is just as possible there is not. Heck, I can tell you if I was home sick, I'd probably be spending the whole night in front of the TV or online myself.

    Believe me, you're not crazy/paranoid to be concerned because it is possible your concerns are true. It's just, at the same time, it is equally possible your concerns are for nothing, and he just sincerely was sick. Heck, it wouldn't even be that hard to figure out. If he's just flaking out on you, it will wind up happening again and if it keeps happening, that is your answer.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by TheEvilJester View Post
    Well, I would say this....

    So far you've gone on one date. You had a second date planned, but he cancelled last minute. .....BUT, he did say it was because he wasn't feeling well, and he did seem very open to rescheduling. So, is it possible he's just flaking out on you? Sure, of course that is possible. But is it not also possible that he actually DID get sick and actually DID wind up taking a nap longer than he intended? Pardon my French, as the say, but $h*t happens. Sometimes life does actually get in the way of our plans.

    So, I would definitely say you at least keep it open in the back of your mind that MAYBE he is just flaking out on you..... but I would say you at least give him another chance. If this last minute cancelling becomes a pattern, that tells you all you need to know. On the other hand.... what if he actually was just not feeling well that day and you throw away what could have maybe been a good relationship just because of one thing?

    Believe me, I understand how you feel. If I were you, I'd be wondering the same thing. The thing is, though, sometimes life happens, so to speak. Heck, if you saw he was online all night, that could mean one of two things. It could mean 1) He was actually up all night talking to other women or it could mean 2) He actually WAS sick, couldn't sleep, and figured he'd waste time online since he was feeling too crummy to go out with you.

    You'd only gone out on one date, so I wouldn't suggest you think too deeply into why he'd be online and yet NOT talk to you all night. Maybe there is more to it, but it is just as possible there is not. Heck, I can tell you if I was home sick, I'd probably be spending the whole night in front of the TV or online myself.

    Believe me, you're not crazy/paranoid to be concerned because it is possible your concerns are true. It's just, at the same time, it is equally possible your concerns are for nothing, and he just sincerely was sick. Heck, it wouldn't even be that hard to figure out. If he's just flaking out on you, it will wind up happening again and if it keeps happening, that is your answer.

    Good luck!
    Thanks for so much for understanding, where I am coming from here. And yeah him and I rescheduled our date and it will be happening this weekend on Saturday. So now we wait and see what happens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Good to hear. Good luck. I hope it goes well. Though, if it doesn't, just remember, it's his loss not yours. If flaking out on you becomes a pattern, then probably best not to waste your time with him. On the other hand, I hope you don't have to find that out anyway.

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