I have been with my boyfriend for about a year and half now. We have a pretty healthy relationship, similar aspirations in life, and we have mentioned both marriage and kids (not any time soon). As a couple we have not been in many arguments other than small issues, which we both are easily able to solve through communication and such. Last week I moved into my new apartment and my boyfriend began becoming uneasy. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me he was scared of the future (as he was beginning a new job in law enforcement that week also). He began questioning us in the future and said he had been thinking a lot and needed space. Now because we had never had any issues before and overall had a great relationship, this was news to me. I didn't know what to do so I cut off communication for a few hours. In those hours he responded to me by saying he didn't want to lose me, what we had, and he wanted me to be "the one". I felt bad and again began communication. We discussed the stress he was under with his new job and I made sure he was aware of how proud I am.

The next week Monday-Friday, I didn't want to overwhelm him and allowed him his space but everyday he initiated conversation. We talked everyday, began having multiple heart to hearts about life in general and our goals, and I felt we had grown even closer. Then to my surprise, on Friday evening he became a whole new person again. He was distant and down. I know from him and his family that he wasn't liking his job and was extremely stressed and down, so I didn't say anything to him to push him further. Again, I allowed him to come to me when he was ready to talk even though now our conversations were short and bland. As of yesterday, Monday, I finally asked him what was wrong. He told me that nothing was wrong, but I could tell he was down and I told him I only asked because I cared. He responded by saying, "no stop". When I asked stop what he replied, "nothing". I told him I felt like he was pushing me away and I was scared, he said "I'm sorry". Then when I told him I didn't want us to lose the last 1.5 years together he agreed and said "I know". But when i asked him if we could talk about what was happening between us and what we could do, he replied saying we had already talked about it (I think referring to needing space). Which confuses me because he kept initiating the communication so I wasn't pushing him away more and I was trying to respect the fact that he wanted space. So, because of that I am now trying to go no contact with him for a week. I am hoping this will prove to him that I am not waiting around for him and that he will realize he doesn't want to lose what we have over nothing.

Can anyone confirm that all of this could be stress related with his new job? Does him needing space sound like time to release stress or to get rid of me? I'm not understanding why he would get rid of me after we have had no problems before and I was just there to support and encourage him to reach his goals. I don't want to throw away a perfectly good relationship over something that I'm not understanding. Should I wait and stick it out or what? I don't know what to do. If anyone could give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated!