Hey everyone. I am 19 years old and am pretty confused/depressed right now. There's this girl that I've known since i was in middle school that I've always thought was really cute. I've recently been hanging out with her a bit lately and i have developed intense feelings for her. I have not felt this strong about a girl in years..in fact, these feelings are stronger than any other girl I've ever had feelings for. I've never seen myself having kids or really even being married but with this girl i want both of those things. Everyday i see couples walking with their kids hands in each of their hands and i see us doing the same. The problem is that my best friend dated her about 2 years ago and they are currently not dating but kind of have a "thing" if you know what i mean. He went out of town and basically made out with a random girl and she was almost crying when she saw it on social media. She said she doesn't know where they stand after they had a talk a few days ago. I'm happy that they didn't get back together because i want her in my life so badly but I cant tell if she has any feelings for me. I cant tell her how i feel because i cant risk having my best friend hate me for wanting to be with her, especially when they aren't necessarily done yet either. She is very open with all the guys shes friends with and is the type of girl to hug all her friends when she says hi/bye and all that. Whenever we talk, she always looks me in the eyes which i love and then she moves down to my lips and mouth and i cant tell if shes interested in kissing me or just judging my lips/teeth or something. I have pretty big lips for a guy and i get compliments a lot about my teeth for being white/lips for being so nice looking i guess. Im a pretty muscular guy and at a party a few months back she asked me to curl her like a barbell and also told me she would love to see me with my shirt off. When she hugs me when we say bye she squeezes around my body so hard that i actually lose some air in my chest. Haha. I was out with her and a friend the other night and i forget how it came up but she said i was cute which shes never said before. In our senior year of high school we went to a big after party for prom and when we were there we were talking and suddenly started holding hands and walking around together. I like to tease her for small things and she usually laughs and gives me that face when you think its funny but fake being annoyed. I have funny words that i like to say and she thinks their funny to say and says them too when shes around me. She loves my mom and sister and tells me that all the time. We have so many similarities that i feel like we could easily work out but i just cant tell her how i feel and she hasnt said anything to me about how she feels. We are not close and a lot of the time we don't have great conversations when were alone because Im nervous around her and i think she is around me too. Its probably not a lot of information but from the sounds of it does she seem interested in me? If so, is it more sexual or emotional? I'm so lost about it! Its so painful hearing her talk about her ex and how shes hurting from their situation but i cant even do anything. I would do anything for this girl. This situation has me nearly in tears. Being basically in love with someone is torture when its possible that they don't feel the same way. Thanks for your help.