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Thread: Need help fast

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Need help fast

    My girlfriend and I had been together for 9 months. We both have 1 boy. They are about a year and a half apart. We have recently went through a rough patch of arguing. We do not live together. On Friday night she said she needed to talk. She informed me she had some thinking to do and thought maybe we were different in some ways and our parenting styles were different. During the conversation I expressed my love for her and how I wanted us to be a family and I wanted to be with her forever. She ultimately broke up with me. I will also preface this that she just started a new job at her company and also she is in the middle of buying a house bc she currently lives with her parents. That night she left and i didn't hear from
    Her the rest of the night. Then Saturday afternoon she text me and said "my heart hurts". Since then we have been pretty much in constant contact. She tells me she loves and misses me. On a daily basis. We have talked since then and she poses the question "how do i know we can work it out? Not saying we can't but how do I know" she constantly says she thinks about me. Tells me she loves me every night before bed. Yet, when I ask to see her she is reluctant to saying yes and won't set a time to meet. I miss her so much. I love her deeply and want to spend the rest of my life with her. I don't know what to do. Please help!!! Ps is there another guy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    San Diego

    I ain't a expert my friend but maybe there is one way. you should contact with a "marriage and family counselor". They will listen your problem and suggest you for new steps. I have two best counselor website link: principleskills.com/about/caralee-frederic and gottman.com/about/john-julie-gottman/. we should contact personally.

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