
Type: Posts; User: marzipan.banana

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  1. Replies

    It's probably appropriate to ask her out to...

    It's probably appropriate to ask her out to coffee. Make it casual, then see how the in-person chemistry goes.
  2. Huh. I was expecting duck feet that you could...

    Huh. I was expecting duck feet that you could paddle with. Didn't know that's what "webbed toes" meant. It really doesn't look that bad, bud.

    Also, I once dated a guy who had no toenails on his...
  3. Replies

    Hello! --Marzipan.banana

    Guess I should post here. I've been in a very happy (too happy?) relationship for about one year. I sometimes worry excessively when we hit a bump. So I'm here for quality checking on my decisions....
  4. I have a friend who's getting married to a woman...

    I have a friend who's getting married to a woman he met nine years ago. They've lived in separate countries since then, and she's two states away from him now. But they're still going to get married....
  5. No, I'm not pregnant now. It wouldn't even be an...

    No, I'm not pregnant now. It wouldn't even be an issue until a couple years down the line, if we get there. I'm just touchy about the subject, and I think I did make a big deal out of nothing.

  6. Replies

    There is no way of knowing what somebody else is...

    There is no way of knowing what somebody else is thinking. Trying to figure it out will drive you insane. You might have a chance with her, but be casual about it. And if she says no, move on and...
  7. Replies

    Ask her out. If she likes you, she'll say yes. If...

    Ask her out. If she likes you, she'll say yes. If she doesn't like you, move on. You can't make her like you. You can, however, drive her away if you put too much pressure on her.
  8. Replies

    This guy has issues. Sorry to say. If you're...

    This guy has issues. Sorry to say.

    If you're patient and you're fine without him, then leave him be and tell him to come back if/when he gets his ducks in a row. You don't want him unless he can...
  9. Replies

    Firstly, it's bad if she has a boyfriend and...

    Firstly, it's bad if she has a boyfriend and she's flirting with you.

    Second: look for excessive eye contact and smiling. Giggling is good too. Preening her hair is another one. Notice whether her...
  10. Replies

    doubts at one year

    I (27) have been with my boyfriend (31) for one year, living together for six months. I thought the last year was perfect. We had exactly two arguments--which we resolved well--and we've never...
  11. Replies

    Make prolonged eye contact, combined with smile....

    Make prolonged eye contact, combined with smile. Ask his friends if he's available. Yes, make it clear that you're interested, but give him an opportunity to make the first move--or at least make it...
  12. Do not get back together with the girl you...

    Do not get back together with the girl you cheated on if you still have feelings for the girl with whom you cheated on her. If you break her heart a second time over the girl you were fooling around...
  13. I'm just really edgy about the pregnancy issue,...

    I'm just really edgy about the pregnancy issue, but it came up because of another topic. I was afraid that if somebody describes a sensitive topic like this they way that he did, it might be...
  14. Replies

    It does sound like he's trying to put a third...

    It does sound like he's trying to put a third wheel in the date so that things don't go romantic. He seems like he's interested in you as a friend--the brother and sister relationship. If he wanted...
  15. Replies

    If she's honestly got feelings for you, she can...

    If she's honestly got feelings for you, she can prove it by breaking it off with her boyfriend and giving you a chance. I'd suggest that to her.
  16. 1) It sounds like she's playing hard-to-get. ...

    1) It sounds like she's playing hard-to-get.

    2) ...She has a boyfriend? Bad news. That needs to get sorted out.
  17. Replies

    It wouldn't be totally unacceptable to initiate...

    It wouldn't be totally unacceptable to initiate contact again. I'd ask her to do something casual as friends; then if she says yes, try to gauge her interest level on whether or not she might want...
  18. Would you say this to the potential mother of your child?


    Do you think it's acceptable to tell a woman whom you're considering having a child with, freely and openly, that pregnancy and childbirth is unpleasant, painful, bloody, gooey, messy,...
  19. Replies

    It sounds like that would be extremely difficult...

    It sounds like that would be extremely difficult to work out in the long run. She's justified to call it off now instead of in the future when it would be a lot more painful. Try not to dwell on her...
  20. Replies

    Would you have this guy's baby?


    How would you feel about having children with a man who says, freely and openly, that pregnancy and childbirth is unpleasant, painful, bloody, gooey, messy, and that he's glad he isn't the...
Results 1 to 20 of 20