
Type: Posts; User: RobertWQ

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  1. Replies

    And what does a poor reader blame for their lack...

    And what does a poor reader blame for their lack of comprehension?

    You completely missed the point of what I said, which was simply: I'm not going to change my behaviors to fit a mainstream...
  2. Replies

    That may be true, but to me, if men are expected...

    That may be true, but to me, if men are expected to be physically attractive, as well as successful, [all the things you listed], etc., the demands made by women on men are higher than the demands...
  3. Replies

    Not usually. I would never tolerate such a thing...

    Not usually. I would never tolerate such a thing from a girl. If I were interested in her romantically and she wanted to be "just friends" then I would not have a relationship with her of any type,...
  4. Replies

    What would determine whether a woman sees you as...

    What would determine whether a woman sees you as relationship material versus "someone who can give them what they don't get from their boyfriends/husbands"?
  5. Replies

    Tread carefully. This sounds like it could be...

    Tread carefully. This sounds like it could be very rewarding for both of you, or a big mess.
  6. Replies

    "The grand prize?" Some chick who you don't...

    "The grand prize?"

    Some chick who you don't even know very well who entered into and has stayed in a relationship with an abusive and violent person?

    You have already been in one...
  7. Replies

    Assuming this is real, this is stupid. Now you...

    Assuming this is real, this is stupid. Now you have a violent person who has your number. You're idealizing a girl you really know little about, and you've just inserted yourself into a complex and...
  8. Replies

    What types of things would determine whether a...

    What types of things would determine whether a woman sees you as relationship material in the way you're describing?
  9. Replies

    You never did let a man "jump ladders" or you...

    You never did let a man "jump ladders" or you never did build ladders?

    Do you agree with the Ladder Theory characterization of how women view men? (Basically as one group for "guy's-she'd-****"...
  10. Replies

    Thank you for the insightful responses. I think...

    Thank you for the insightful responses. I think there is truth in both of your posts, although I think at least in my longer relationship (when I was 18 as described above) she did take me seriously...
  11. Replies

    I seem to attract women in relationships

    I seem to attract a disproportionate number of women who are already in relationships. Or to put it another way, women in relationships tend to be the most forward or aggressive with me compared with...
  12. She only talks to you when she needs something or to keep your interest

    When a girl only talks to you when she needs something, or when she thinks you're "drifting" away from her and she wants to reel you back in to keep your interest, what exactly do you call that type...
  13. Lol, this post reminds me of this scene (about a...

    Lol, this post reminds me of this scene (about a minute in)
  14. With a girl like this, this is always going to...

    With a girl like this, this is always going to happen. She's chosen to be with you over all these other options, and that should mean something. It doesn't guarantee the relationship in the future,...
  15. Lol yeah. She doesn't take compliments well from...

    Lol yeah. She doesn't take compliments well from me anyway. She's not available in the way I'd like her to be. I can't force someone to like me, to like themselves, and to be available to what I...
  16. I agree. You may be right about the best way to...

    I agree. You may be right about the best way to approach it. She knows I like her. If she wants something new, she knows where to find it. I like her company. In the meantime, since she has a...
  17. Oh, I thought you meant tell her and continue...

    Oh, I thought you meant tell her and continue contact.

    Part of why I want to date her is because I like her company more than most women / people I've met anytime recently.

    I could handle...
  18. And then what after I tell her? That's the...

    And then what after I tell her? That's the opposite of what everyone else suggested.

    And to BU, insults are less helpful than if you just elaborate on why and how you think I'm acting...
  19. So you read the above then. She asked me to get...

    So you read the above then. She asked me to get lunch with her after finals. She came to find me and sat by me (close enough that we were touching etc.) before finals, and she found me afterwards and...
  20. And you never had another guy in mind when you...

    And you never had another guy in mind when you did this? That is the ideal way to go about it. I just don't think that's true for a lot of women. I mean I think a lot find a guy before they leave the...
  21. So you're saying you always break up with a...

    So you're saying you always break up with a boyfriend first before you find another guy?
  22. I know. But haven't you ever met a guy when you...

    I know. But haven't you ever met a guy when you had a boyfriend that you thought might be better for you than the guy you were with? What did you do?
  23. Well in that case I'm not going to say anything...

    Well in that case I'm not going to say anything ....

    How is this supposed to develop otherwise? I'm not going to stop talking to her, so let's eliminate that option.

    I just think this is a...
  24. I don't want to play a lot of games with this...

    I don't want to play a lot of games with this girl like I would with a girl I don't care about as much. I see what you're saying on the friends thing though. Maybe I'll just say "well in the meantime...
  25. Is this the best way to handle this situation?

    Ok, for those of you who have seen my other threads, you probably know about that asian girl who was my partner in bio lab this semester I like who has a boyfriend but has been flirting with or at...
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