hey guys so the story is that ive been dating my gf for 2.5 years she went on a vacation to see her dad back home for a month and this random kinda friends sent her a message and she came forward and told me that they talked only for 5 min or so about random stuff, stupidly i over reacted and accused her that she is something on my back and she was saying and dont ruin our relationship over something small and stuff. so she broke up with me but still has my pictures on her instagram and her relation status on facebook is in relationship, for two three days i was literally begging her to give me another chance and she is saying there is no trust. she is saying that she wants to enjoy her single life and with her friends. she also told to not worry that she is not looking for a boyfriend or dating. so after all at first she was asking for a break so she could find herself again stupidly i started call her to forgive me, now she is saying she is done. i told her at least do something for me the remaining of your vacation im not gonna contact you so she could have her space and when she came back give me an answer which is in 20 days.
what could i do for her when she came back ? i was thinking maybe get her a big rose bouquet and a gift and just give to her mom (she likes me alot and in general a very cool mom, very open minded ) to lay it on her bed so when she came home she would be surprised?
i dont wanna lose her, i dearly love and thats why i was so protecting over her, past 3 days that she broke up with me literally i cant eat anything or do something, all im doing is looking at her social media account to her if she did something or post something.
i know i did screwed up but i dont wanna lose a chance to loose her.

background information:
i know that she is or atleast used to be mad in love with me and asked me out, she is very outgoing and right now is surrounded by her 3 friends that all are singles and im worried .