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Thread: a strange situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    a strange situation

    Hi guys! Could you please help me? I need an advice from males, especially. I come from a poor country and in order to have some more money we have to emigrate to other countries (I'm from the EU). There was a guy in my workplace that tried to approach me for almost 2 months but I didn't give him a chance because I had a boyfriend back then. I kind of fell in love with him, I don't know what that was, but then, suddenly, he went away as his contract has ended. I asked him angrily through social media why did he try to approach me when he knew he was going away. He wrote that he feels strange and said that he thought seriously. I broke up with my boyfriend with whom I was for a very long time, we argued and stuff, partly because of that guy. And a couple months later I came back to my country and appeared at the restaurant in his town (I spied him on social media) as I wanted just to get to know him and see what happens. The moment he saw me he yelled at me, I started running at the restaurant all in shock, tried to talk to him, I even wrote sth on my handkerchief and I tried to give it to him, I don't know why I did this, I freaked out, I asked him if he really is alright then. He ignored me so I went away. Ok, shit happens. But. then I heard rumors at my work that I'm cheating on my boyfriend, that I came for a hook up and that I'm a real slut. I know it was stupid of me, but what do you think about this guy, why did he do this, was it as that inappropriate of me? Did I really make a slut in his eyes of me? Am I as that a big idiot? How should I behave in this situation, the rumors are horrible and people believe them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    No, he was wrong to spread rumors about you, and call you a slut. Don't blame yourself, you weren't even with your bf anymore, so it was all lies and he should feel like a shit for even saying what he did about you... Don't waste any more time on this immature loser. Go find a real man...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Contact Dr. DUGO on E-mail: dugo_d@yahoo.com, he has the spiritual charm to make everything right back for you. Trust me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Are you sure he started the rumors? Could it have been your ex? Either way, there's nothing you can do about them except just wait for the whole thing to die down. People always lose interest and move on to the next story.

    As far as being a slut, I have never been fond of the word. What is a slut, anyway? Who ever is calling you that is doing so because he was rejected by you. What better way to make you look bad? Stop beating yourself up. You did nothing wrong. I would suggest you forget about him and don't contact him trying to get an explanation for his bad behavior.

    Remember, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Sometimes when I still think about it it must have been some kind of manipulation/stalking - no one who is psychologically stable tries to approach a girl in such a determined, strange way, but, whatever, I'm wiser now to cut sth like this from the start It was horrible

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