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Thread: Is she interested in hanging out?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Is she interested in hanging out?

    Over the Christmas holiday I attended a choir reunion at my church that gets hosted every year on Christmas Eve. Basically we all get together to sing Gloria Vivaldi during the Christmas service. We get to see a lot of old friends who have left town to pursue college and whatnot. There's a lot of cute girls who go there and who would be returning for the reunion. However, when I got there, most of the girls didn't give me a second glance, even after over a year of separation. Except one. As I was grabbing my hymnal, I noticed this one girl sitting down in her seat. We locked eyes, she smiled, and she waved at me. This girl is really cute, but I wouldn't say we were close friends, mainly because she hung out ALL the time with my ex-girlfriend. However, we both were always involved in church activities, from starring in musicals to just having fun at various locations in the city. As I acknowledged her wave, I sat down in my seat and the night progressed.

    Afterwards, me and my family headed out for the night. Then I saw her leave. Without a moment's hesitation, I instinctively walked over to her. I at least wanted to say goodbye to her before probably never seeing her again. We hugged and we talked for a bit. Then.... she told me that she was going to college only thirty minutes away from my base. I was super shocked and excited to hear this. It's such a relief to have a familiar face around in this setting. I told her we should hang out, and she agreed. At that point some of our friends came out and joined the conversation before we parted ways.

    I really felt something between us when I talked to her. I've always thought she was cute and wanted to spend more time with her, so I've started talking to her on Facebook. I can't see her now because I've already returned home and she's still on her break. But whenever we talk on FB, that feeling I had when we talked just isn't there. She isn't particularly chatty, and I've had to initiate the conversation every time. Quite bluntly, it sucks, and she doesn't seem interested anymore. I even messaged her saying we should hang out before I go back and she didn't respond. Did I misread her signals when I saw her over break? She could just be acting shy, which I know for a fact she is. What should I do in that situation if she is?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    My guess is that she was happy to meet you and see you as a casual friend.

    As far as the FB conversations go, I find them annoying. Just as I sit down to do something, this random friend pings a message at me and I have to interrupt what I'm doing. Or I feel rude for ignoring the message. Honestly, if that person wants to have a conversation, why not meet for a beer and talk properly?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I'm shy when it comes to guys... but if a guy I liked asked me to hang out, I would certainly not ignore it out of shyness. I mean, I guess she could just be like, really intensely shy, but from the sounds of it she was just being friendly when she saw you at Christmas. Don't keep messaging her unless she messages you first sometime. I agree with basilandthyme, FB messaging can be extremely annoying.

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